Solo: A Star Wars Story: Young Han Plays It Safe (2018)

Finally watched this. It was aight. I most definitely preferred Rogue One.

Saw this on Netflix over the weekend as well. It was OK, but really I think the biggest criticism I could level at it is that it just tried way too hard. From the opening scene we are beaten over the head with how young Han Solo is so brash, so bold, so confident and charming and just…so…HAN. It felt like he never actually developed at all over the course of the entire movie.

The supporting cast was good, especially Donald Glover and Woody Harrelson, both of whom owned their roles. Emilia Clarke was serviceable as Han’s old friend/love interest turned possible bad person, and there wasn’t enough Thandie Newton. I thought Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Jon Favreua did excellent jobs with the voices for their characters (L3-37 and Rio respectively). Chewbacca was, of course, the absolute best part of the movie. Never a bad scene when Chewbacca is on screen.

In the end the movie was decent, but could have benefitted from a little slower pace in some parts and a little more depth to the character development. This is the history of HAN fucking SOLO we’re watching, the audience should feel like they’re being gifted a deep and immersive glimpse into his early years and how he came to be the space-pirate-with-a-heart-of-gold with the wookie sidekick and the single most beloved character in the Star Wars universe. Instead we got a superficial fly-by action film about some guy that kinda looks and sounds like a younger Han Solo.

I would hope that if there is a sequel, it slows down a little bit and gives us more reasons to love Han, Chewie and Lando.

I jsut saw this and I would like to thank you all (as well as some other places on the internet) for lowering my expectations to a point where this did not disapoint at all. I found it a fun romp and a good bit of starwars. No major bullshit incongruities or vandalism on cherished childhood lore.
A solid 7 out of 10 from me.

Yup. Solo is great compared to Last Jedi. I’d put it roughly on par with Force Awakens as being squarely mediocre in the Star Wars spectrum.

I enjoyed it when it was a heist-and-betrayal movie. The hey-look-this-is-what-the-kessel-run-was parts were just painful.

Right? Can’t we have ANY mystery left in the Star Wars universe? I don’t need to see EVERYTHING.

God, I hate that whole sequence. The “12 parsecs” claim was a charming bit of fluff in the original movie, that was explained later through some laughable fandom mental gymnastics. It was all a wink & nod to Lucas not really knowing what a parsec was. Nerd explanation or not, it was a cute bit of casual character building.

In Solo, it’s a garbage set piece with a flying spaghetti monster and an injection of nitro juice. It doesn’t even make sense as a bit of bandit lore.

The whole space octopus civilization in out there to fill your dreams…

Is that where we get the tie-in with Arrival? More Amy Adams!

Amy Adams IS … Hanna Solo!

I too watched this on Netflix.

I am very glad my expectations were lowered enough for this.


It is surprisingly competent, it wants to be a heist movie, but has too much other stuff going on to distract from that. The Kessel heist should have been epic, but it ended up being just another set piece.

I liked a lot of the plot twists, and the end where Han does shoot first. I think they could have made him more of a scoundrel than he was. Maybe have him keep some more of the macguffin fuel in the end?

Donald Glover was amazing though, Erenreich was not as bad as I was expecting (based on some of the negative buzz) and he was actually pretty ok. I enjoyed the space-poker game they played for the ship, with Han besting the arrogant Lando in the end.

This movie just had too many characters and plots. It was all over the place, I enjoyed the robot revolutionary, but it kind o distracted from the rest of the film, especially the way that ended.

Anyway, definitely a solid action/heist/sci-fi movie, but the trilogy references felt forced. Loved seeing Warwick Davis though, that was an acceptable original trilogy nod.