Someone explain Twitch to me

He really is. When I used to work graveyards many years ago, Bob Ross on the local PBS is how I fell asleep every early afternoon before work.

They really do. GG, EZ mountain!

I streamed that to my TV and watched at least four episodes with my girls and we just couldn’t not watch. Made me feel a little old since some of the early shows would have been aired when I was around the same age as my youngest daughter, but it was pretty great that they were clearly enjoying it.

I love the walls of GG after every episode.

Also, Boing Boing has an article about this stream:

Last night everyone broke down when he explained how he came home from his job in the military, took off his soldier hat, put on his painter hat, and created a world where no one yelled or got shot and everything was at peace.

I think he may be the first person to get through to the Internet.

Ruined/Saved cracks me up every time, probably because I am easily amused.

He really does have some inspiring things to say. Putting this on twitch is brilliant.

Ross is astonishingly soothing. When I give plasma, I always put on one of his videos (I hate needles), and it calms me right down. What a great man :)

That stuff should be shown on mainstream tv for a few hours every day to ‘calm shit down’ methinks.

The internets heart grew three sizes that day.

A few large twitch streamers raided a old grandpa improv piano player. Top of the charts with 50k viewers.

He’s also happens to be really good at improv - one listen to requests and then he owns the song to spams of VAC.

EDIT: And its over.

Wonder how much this guy is getting a day in donations. They just seem to keep rolling in to the point he muted the donation sound. Totally deserves it though, very impressive and just a pleasure to watch. He’s currently live btw.

Until now I’ve only used Twitch for Souls game speedruns, fighting game tournaments, and Bob Ross episodes. A few weeks ago I decided to try browsing around.

My goodness is it boring. The Browse window is a depressing list of the same games that don’t interest me. I’ll click on a small stream at random and it’s just not very compelling content. Occasionally I’ll search for a game I’d like to watch and there’s no one playing it, or it’s a channel with 2 viewers and horrible bitrate.

I realize I’m not saying anything profound here in 2016. Perhaps this is a cry for help to get me to stop checking it every night to see if anything has changed. :)

Don’t you love it when the internet gets something right? What

A pleasure that guy is.

Yeah, most everything seems to be utter crap, but I have stumbled into one stream I rather like. It’s hosted by a college professor and is actually generally quite good.

Been casting poker for 3 years now, I have an average of 15 nightly viewers, and I have 17 subs. So yeah, people that hook into your vibe, they love you, they sub, they’re there every night. Everyone else, eh, not so much.

I just use the SpeedRunsLive front page to see if anyone is playing anything I want to watch, which usually means Super Metroid, Super Mario 64, or The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.

yea it’s an odd combo of content and streamer (persona).

There are some very popular streamers that I just can’t watch. Others that are fun and engaging with those that watch, and still others that are just completely off the wall interesting.

Hey, you can watch Deadmaus stare at his computer screen!


On the useful side though, I’d be even more terrible at League of Legends than I currently am without Twitch.

That is so true. I’m a newbie levelling to 30. So not very good. But watching twitch streamers play the roles and champions I’m interested in is an excellent companion to listening to podcasts during my commute. And both together have taught me a lot.


I’ve got a lot of interesting ideas for Kerbals from Twitch. Also, on Sunday night you can watch Roverdude building mod parts in Unity and Blender for KSP, which is interesting.

I find that if the stream is a game I am currently crushing on, and am interested in learned new things, I love watching. If it is just a passing interest, or killing time, I find it incredibly boring. Also interesting is the fact that there doesn’t seem to be much middle ground between love it and hate it.

EDIT: I’m not sure if watching speed runners blaze through Bloodborne in an hour helps me, or makes me feel inferior… possibly a bit of both, but I am often amazed at the skill some people have at the extreme end of our hobby.

Watching Julia Child truss a bird using a giant needle and having Twitch chat shout “THIS Is SPARTA” is surprisingly fun:

