Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie

I’m still gonna vote for Silicon Jesus.

Come to think of it, they are pretty similar.

I still remember Sonja’s soft, milky, slightly-wobbly-with-delectable-baby-fat thighs, somehow snapping the seasoned warrior Kano’s corded and bulging neck. I remember thinking --like I was supposed to no doubt-- that I could happily imagine myself in that position, perhaps because nothing but a baby would die like that, and perhaps only from asphyxiation.

But yeah, a really good game to film interpretation, (unlike Street Fighter!!). The second MK was hot steaming trash, sadly.

Yo so that last comment seemed to kill the thread… let me try to revive it.

What would you like to see next in the Sega Cinematic Universe? Because it’s coming. Shinobi? Golden Axe? I want to see Phantasy Star. That would be a hell of a movie. Start with Alys and take the series all the way through PS4.

Maybe when the Sega Cinematic Universe takes off, Netflix can get rolling on the Streets of Rage series. Now that they’ve lost Daredevil, we need a gritty, adult oriented crime drama with lots of karate. Streets of Rage fits the bill and will tie in to the larger SCU, taking cues from the events of Sonic 1, 2, and the crossover movie Eternal Champions. The aftermath of that will be a great setup for this series.

I am here for the Super Monkey Ball reality game show Netflix is surely dying to produce.

I want to see a Shenmue movie. 2 hours of Ryo walking around asking where he can find some sailors, intercut with long forklift sequences.

I’m sure the can manage to get a feature length movie out of Jet Set Radio.

I want a Seaman movie. A game about the art of conversation, brought to film by a script by (hopefully) David Mamet.

Ok all joking aside I seriously want a Jet Set Radio movie. Or TV show. Or… third game? Dare I dream?

Super Monkey Ball, esp. #2 on Gamecube, is the gold standard of multiplayer in my high school friend group to this day.

Did you play Hover: Revolt of Gamers? It’s the spiritual successor to JSR, I believe including some of the same team.

I don’t know how much of this was sarcastic, but man, Phantasy Star had a pretty solid story, and is one of my all-time favorite games. I played the HELL out of that back in the day. I would be there day 1 for a movie.

My kids have been after me lately to take them to this, is it any good? Anyone actually see it?

Wait, you actually want to talk about THE MOVIE IN THE THREAD TITLE? Weirdo.

Actually I barely even realized this was actually out. Has ANYONE seen it, anywhere in the world?

My wife took the kids to see it.

It’s fine, apparently. The Jim Carrey bits are kind of a Jim Carrey greatest hits routine, where he does all the expressions and whatnot you’d expect. For kids who havent seen the film’s from his heyday, it still lands.

The rest of the movie is pretty uninspired kids movie fare, but my daughter liked it enough that she played Sonic for a couple days afterward (mostly just an excuse to run around the house at top speed).

#1 US box office 2 weeks in a row. Granted it has had zero competition.

Still somewhat unexpected.

It’s pulled in just over $200 million worldwide on a production budget of $90 million, and it’s only been out 11 days, so the studio will definitely make good money from it.

Plus it’s got a 64% critics score on Rotten Tomatoes, which is pretty good for a movie based on a video game. It’s also got an “A” from CinemaScore in-theater surveys and a Rotten Tomatoes audience score of 93%.

It’s doing shockingly well.

Obviously I hadn’t looked into that at all. That’s…crazy. Good for them, I guess?

I saw it with my six year old son. We both enjoyed it. Jim Carey’s villain is probably the best part, but to be honest, it’s just a sit back and go along for the high speed ride kind of film. Brain was engaged at 50%, and happy to do so.

Watched this yesterday with my boys (7 and 11) and some of their friends and the latter’s parents.

We were entertained. Carrey is great as Robotnik, and there is plenty to laugh or smile about in the antics of the computerised creature. The kids didn’t understand everything (not translated), but they enjoyed it nonetheless. The parents (even my SO, who would never go to watch something like this except for the kids), thought it was good fun.

I’m okay with going to see the inevitable sequel when it comes.