Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie

New trailer with the redesigned Sonic…

Looks worse!

Much, much better than the original. 2/10

Movie still looks terrible but Sonic definitely is much less creepy.

I didn’t notice the differences until trying to play the “find the differences between the two pictures” game. I still think the original was fine, and this is fine too, if more cartoony.

The only reason to see this movie is to enjoy Jim Carrey being his old 80s-90s self again anyway. I don’t mind a cartoon rodent erinaceomorpha being the vehicle by which I do that.

C’mon… the original was godawful. This is tolerable. I think you should get your eyes checked.

It actually has a consistent look and feel with the games now, which is something that was missing before.

I’ll get my eyes checked if you’ll see a proctologist about extracting your head.

Probably wasn’t going to see it anyway, but I clearly prefer the original.

I’m not a conspiracy guy, but it’s hard to imagine the old “more realistic” design doing all the wacky stuff in the new trailer. The actions are so cartoony that the tone would seem totally wrong to have them done by the super-boring looking Sonic.

Which I guess probably just means: it was written with the classic Sonic look in mind, and then they totally bungled the design in the implementation phase. I really think there was an internal struggle over the character design that was never fully resolved, and that’s why they were willing to re-work the design based on viewer backlash.

I had forgotten how bad the original character design was.

New Sonic looks passable. Not sure I’ll see the movie until it’s on Netflix though.

Same. The original was so awful and repulsive, that would have prevented watching right there.

The new? Passable. Doesn’t look great by any means, but doesn’t look Emoji Movie bad either.

Looks better to me. More cartoonish look will better appeal to the kids, I think. And also looks closer to video game. Still, we don’t need this film.

A sneak preview:

I feel like since this movie is going to be so bad, that the original Sonic character model was actually better.

if you are gonna make a bad movie, you need to make it amazingly bad.

Yup. Mediocrity is boring, but a flaming trainwreck? I’ll shell out for a ticket to one of those.

Yeah, I was actually looking forward to the other one more. A weird looking Sonic, combined with Jim Carrey hamming it up as much as he did in the Ace Ventura movies. It was going to be gold!

This new trailer just makes it look like a mediocre kids movie.

Angry Joe gushes over this movie for half an hour. He absolutely loves it. Calls it the best video game movie of all time.

That’s a super low bar.

Blasphemy! :)
Mortal Kombat (1995) is one of the greatest movies ever made.

I don’t know about that, but it’s definitely the video game movie with the best theme song.

Heck, I’ll go further. It may be the best techno song ever.