Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie

Plus Genesis had Starflight, SNES did not. Boom.

Plus it had Star Control. Boom boom!

“Oh wow, the sonic movie came out and the thread has a whole bunch of new replies! Let’s see how people like it!”

We’ve already established it’s a fun movie for the family MattN. We’ve moved on from that discussion. :)

Back to the topic at hand, I never did love any of Sega’s games personally, but I was always just really happy they existed and they’re putting out such a different variety of stuff from everyone else in the industry. The main exceptions to that for me personally were Jet Set Radio Future on Xbox and Sega GT on the Dreamcast. Both were games I absolutely loved.

The Sega games were good as a nice change of pace from the Nintendo games. Kind of like how Chicago style pizza is a good change of pace from NY style pizza, but in no way a replacement.

Altered Beast was some pack-in garbage that was visually stunning but heck with it, we loved it anyway.


Lion King, MK2, and Earthworm Jim or bust, ya heathens.


I imported a Sega Saturn and memory expansion from Japan in the late 90s just to play X-men vs Street Fighter, and later Marvel vs Street Fighter. I remember being confused that Akuma was named Gouki and M Bison was named Balrog.

I still have a Dreamcast and Marvel vs Capcom 2, plugged in to my TV right now. It looks like shit on a 4K tv.

I have a weirdly fond memory of the vinyl on the side of our local arcade’s SF2 machine extolling the virtues of BARLOG.

I always thought Zillion was a minor classic on the master System. Zillion 2 was a disappointment by comparison.

I played MM Illusion but on the Game Gear, the eater of batteries. I forgot Target Earth was in Genesis as well, really liked it at the time, still have the soundtrack burned into my brain. And that’s true i forgot about Starflight and Star Control. I liked Sword of Vermillion at the time, though i think just for the production values and novelty not the actual gameplay.

Remember a Genesis game about some kind of randomized dungeon/tower? Kind of a RPG-lite Gauntlet style game? Something about black colored swords you’d pick up.

I’d never even heard of Eternal Sun until this thread. Even as a kid i have no memory of hearing about it.

Lynx: hold my beer

Don’t forget that the Aladdin games were completely different and that, IMO, the SNES was superior.

Sorry, I don’t understand this simile as it’s entirely contrary to my own experience.

My Dreamcast was always hooked up to a VGA box though and that image quality was way better than S-Video or Component.

The Nomad laughs at your puny insignificance.


This is shocking to me. Are you from Chicago? Even people I know from Chicago agree with my stance.


Yeah, no. This is wrong. I lived in Chicago for 35 years, and people who prefer New York style to Chicago stile are a minuscule minority.

Countdown till someone posts that Jon Stewart rant…

I was so close to doing it… but I resisted.

Personally, Pizza is so many things that using the term pizza almost has no meaning. There is no way that I would look at any two foods as different as a Chicago style and a New York-style and think they were the same thing. It’s like saying that Tacos and Nachos are the same things.

Or sandwiches and hotdogs.