Sony: PS3 owners, don't turn the PS3 on!

Way to outdo the Red Rings there, Sony.

(Slim users are unaffected… so far)

Now someone needs to make another thread about it :D

ApocalyPS3 - when two threads aren’t enough already.

Yeah, Might of been nice if one of these threads had poppped up early yesterday…before I turned on my PS3. Ah well, that’s the way the cookie crumbles I suppose.

Hmm. I seem to be in the middle ground, since the problem happened while I was already playing. It didn’t stop HR, but it couldn’t sync the trophies afterwards, and I didn’t turn it back on since I turned it off after that session. Hope they fix it up soon, and I guess I’ll have to wait to get back to my investigation.

Seems not to affect the PS3 Slim. And to think I was laughed at for choosing a model without backwards compatibility. Who shall have the last laugh, eh?


Now that they don’t have to put in PS2 hardware there is extra cash for things like clocks that actually work properly. Life is all about trade-offs.

Once again, turning it on doesn’t matter, as it’s the internal clock and your PS3 was borked merely by virtue of having the date and time set correctly.

And once again, it is expected to self-correct at midnight GMT (4PM Pacific time), as it’s the same issue (same component, some are saying) as the Zune’s leap year problem.

If it is the same component, why didn’t the PS3s fail when the Zunes did?

Maybe they did. What are the odds that enough people had their PS3s turned on two years ago to notice?

It’s not the same component, nor is it the same issue.

I wasn’t serious, sorry.

trophy in ps3 game wasn’t big back then.