Sony REALLY needs a new marketing company

So, uh, whatever happened to the marketing folks from Akklaim?

  • Alan

Acclaim talked about doing stupid shit all the time, but try finding a photo of them actually doing any of it.

I am not too worked up over it, but I do agree that it’s pretty damn tasteless in terms of a publicity stunt.

I just wonder what kind of person does it take to not only think up of something like this, but to approve it and then implement it on behalf of a major company?

Since the beginning days of the PS1 Sony has been constantly playing the outrage game as a way of generating publicity, because they know it works.

In the end it’s been very profitable for them.

Ultimately it may be bad for the industry as a whole, bringing down regulation and political scrutiny.

So, the question is, does Sony really care about the industry, or just Sony?

All I remember about Sony’s PS1 advertising was their flailing attempts to come up with a mascot character. And the obtuse “URNOT(red)E”.

The flogged the hell out of the whip lady from Toshinden.

Yes, but the general public consists of idiots. 70%+ of them are interested in the latest celeberity sex scandel. I’m talking about what reaction should be, not what it is.

We should have a caption contest for this quote.

Should be means diddly squat when it comes to making laws that may restrict game makers. Have a look at the movie “This Film Is Not Yet Rated” and see how great the MPAA is for the movie industry.

It’s just a goat. I’m sure they shot it, let it die, and then decapitated it. Where is the cruelty angle? Is it disrespectful to anyone with a goat for a spirit guide? Good thing they didn’t serve turducken, or the brits, and all of you would be really worked up.

Can you imagine how much of a FIGHT one of those things would put up if you tried to give it a true Kratos fatality? Oh you might not want to imagine that, might blow chunks all over your keyboard.

I guess video games really do desensitize people…

Naked boobs, decapitated goats and fur-clad models to promote a videogame. Hey, it says “adults” in the box, after all, so that should ease some consciences.

Anyway, maybe Sony’s trying something new here. Next step in interactivity. Imagine the launch party for a Soylent Green game, and the controversy over the canapés. Now that would be a good publicity stunt.

This thread makes me weep for humanity. Honestly, I want to write a long rant, but I don’t even know where to start.

Start with what an idiot worm is and then work your way outward.

Haha, never one to pass up a crowd favorite, huh?

It is just a dead animal. Simply because the weepy, inconsistent public that flips their poles more than they do through the channels would have a fit over this(IF it ever makes it beyond FARK) is really no reason to weep for humanity. However, I’m such an idiot, unlike the guy who is weeping for humanity over a motherfucking goat, or BDR hyuk hyuk hyuking into the silence like some kind of Uncle Tom.

Man what a fucking idiot I am, not seeing as DEAD GOAT as the all time low score in this game of humanity.

Your missing the point. This is not a thread simply about animal cruelty, its a thread about how ridiculously stupid animal cruelty is as promotion for a videogame.

Sony is just completely destroying itself with every passing month.

So because it’s dead, that makes it OK to slice it open, put it on display as entertainment, and invite people to stick their hands in the open carcass for kicks?

How sad.

Yeah, you’re right, I missed the point, it’s not just about animal cruelty but how ridiculously stupid animal … wait a second, animal cruelty doesn’t extend beyond the mortal coil. Nice try! It’s not animal cruelty if it was killed humanely, and defiled post-mortem, which is probably the most cost effective way to decapitate a goat, or skin a cat.

I’m sorry, are you proposing some sort of animal corpse bill of rights here? I already covered this by bringing up the ultimate triple threat animal corpse violation, the Turducken. What about deboning? I mean we’re just attempting to make people feel like they’re not eating another living creature like themselves, we should write a preemptive letter to Sony about what they’re doing on Thanksgiving.

It seems like an extravagant entertaining kind of thing, if you really want to stop this practice just SAY NO to a goat carcass at your next party, it’s simple as that. You may even want to go as far as not patronizing parties that use goat carcasses as centerpieces.

No. We’re saying that slaughtering a goat and then using it as a gory blood-soaked centerpiece at a videogame PR party in which guests are invited to reach inside the goat’s still-warm carcass to eat offal from its stomach is staggeringly, unbelievably fucked up. Like, I really don’t get what’s so hard to grok about that. The fact that people find this incredibly offensive is not a sign that they are trying to impugn your inalienable right to eat blood-soaked offal from the entrails of a freshly-slaughtered farm animal. It’s just a sign that they aren’t insane.

Well I’m not as concerned about the goat. I’m sure the sausage I ate for lunch (from what I’ve heard from a friend who worked in a slaughterhouse) was killed by poking a spike though it’s brain and if it jerked around too much they shoved the spike through again. I don’t know what people think but it’s not like they give a pig a nice cigar and a glass of champagne, let it get laid one more time and then give it a coctail of pain pills and vodka to kill it.

The carcas sitting around? What’s the difference between that and my leather seats?

So personally I’m not offended by the campaign. As a consumer though I’m offended that Sony didn’t see this coming and somehow thought that this kind of party would attract sales.