Space Game General All-Platform Thready Discussy Thing :)



For the lazy: Distant Worlds Universe, Pandora, and Star Hammer.

Brian, I know you hate Distant Worlds, but can you elaborate on Star Hammer? I don’t remember it.

Turn based tactical ship combat. Same folks that made Battlestar Galactica Deadlock.

Oh nice! Is it as good? (I’m going to get this anyway because I have neither of the other two but they’re on my list.)

The campaign isn’t as fleshed out, but the tactical gameplay is just about the same goodness as in BSGD. Definitely worth owning.


how is the combat handled in this one Brian? I notice the Steam page says it is not a fast-paced space shooter and there is no mouse aiming.

Which game?

Sorry… Astrox Imperium

Oh, I’ve not done any combat in it yet, but if it’s like the first game, it’s more hands off. Like an older MMO or EVE.

Thanks although I never played EVE…but more hands off seems more suited to me.

Yeah, basically you select a target and select which weapon to shoot at it.

that seems at about my skillz level…

HA yeah, I mean you’ll have to worry about speed, range and all that stuff, but it’s not super skill based or click heavy like an ARPG or something.

Thanks man!

Is that an early access “release” or a 1.0 release?

No idea.

Hey y’all, sorry it’s been so long between dispatches, but it’s been another hell of a week. A lot has happened though. Like, a LOT, so please do check it out, and thank you.

Hey y’all, been super busy, but here’s another digest for y’all with new games and such: