Space Game General All-Platform Thready Discussy Thing :)

That’s my wife’s favorite Father Ted episode!

God I love Father Ted.

Hey all, for anyone who’s played 3030 Deathwar Redux-- when you highlight a nearby station with the Q key, what’s the keyboard button for opening comms? If you use the mouse button to select the antenna looking thingy you inevitably fire a few shots of your ship’s gun, and I don’t want to do that in case a random shot should get me in trouble.

You’d be surprised how few of the controls are documented in-game. Makes it hard to come back after a hiatus.

Depends on your control scheme; hit F1 and you’ll get the list of commands (I use a controller, and for me it’s the Y button)

Well, that’s the weird part: when I hit F1 in-game I don’t get a list of keyboard equivalents. I use m+k myself, maybe that’s why. I’ll try setting it to keyboard only for a bit and see if it gives me a full list.

Ahh - for m+k, you need to hit the space bar to go into “menu mode” and exit “target/shoot mode.”

Thanks, I figured it out. Turns out it’s the Tab key to communicate.

Hey friends, welcome to another week of spacey gaming! This week’s game of the week is the long-running top-down challenging roguelike game of combat, trade and exploration, the amazing Transcendence. I hope to do more for next week, time permitting, but life’s been crazy of late, so I’m putting out what I can. :)

The podcast this week (Tuesday, 5:00 PM Pacific, Twitch, YouTube, Mixer) we’ll talk about gamepads. Their evolution, their adoption, and why there’s still a resistance to them.

Finally this week, for the LAN Party (Thursday, 5:00 PM Pacific, Twitch, YouTube, Mixer), we’ll be returning to the Parkour-based killing of Dying Light for a lot more mayhem!!!

Thank you for being wonderful, my friends!

Transcendence is fantastic. One of my favorite all time roguelike games.

It really is excellent. And hard. And fun. And hard.

Wow, that is giving me major Escape Velocity vibes.

As it should! It’s VERY Escape Velocityish.

Sounds like a game I need to play, then 😁.

Maybe something to look at after we get into our new place.

You can play the base game for free. The Steam version includes extra stuff like an expansion pack and what not.

I don’t mind the cost…just my computer isn’t even plugged in.

Gasp I am so, so sorry.


It’s great, really a fun solo exploratory and combat MMO that I’ve been really enjoying through its alpha and beta. It reminds me a lot of Jumpgate in its best ways.

But… early access…

I’ve been through the alpha and the beta. It’s pretty stable and fairly complete as is, truly. It’s a great time to jump in.

Is PvP avoidable?