Spintires - Old Soviet trucks, mud, a map, and a compass

I do when I can’t play it! :-p

Why don’t they just pave the roads? I mean, then they won’t have to build such ridiculous vehicles!

Very cool recap!
Really need to get back to this game…

“American Wilds” expansion announced for MudRunner. Adds Montana, North Dakota, and Minnesota maps, plus 7 US vehicles like Hummers and Chevys. October 23rd.

This is out a few days now!

Wow that song was a horrible pick for that trailer.

It’s supposed to make you go “wild”. Or “wow”. I’m not exactly sure which.

They’ve released a big update for Spintires and promised future DLC.

Note the update is for Spintires. Not Mudrunner, or Mudrunner American Wilds. But Spintires, the original game, now called Spintires: The Original Game. :)

Apparently back in July! Thanks for the heads up @Scott123

I am so confused, why can’t they just merge it all together now?

Wait, was Mudrunner and its DLC a different developer? WAT?

A random streamer explains the differences:

The original game was published by a British company, who apparently (and I trust this, in no small reason because of the podcast Tom did with them, ironically) didnt pay properly the Ukrainian (i seem to remember?) developer, at least in his opinion. After much drame from which everybody got stained, the developer made Mudrunner for a different publisher.

Whoa , a new DLC!

I was wondering what’s this tasteless thing was doing in my game, but then I see that’s the corpse of Spintires being still poked by Oovee, and not Mudrunner. Phew.
(For people that might be wondering, they are using a real alert phone call recording from the incident…)

30 posts were split to a new topic: Snowrunner, aka Spintires 3, aka Mudrunner 2


I picked this up for the switch because I was doing a little bit of work traveling and it’s FANTASTIC! I had bought the original spin tires on Steam for like $3 but never played it. But as I’ve been obsessing on ETS2 and ATS, I thought it wise to have some access to trucking simulation as long as I had some quality hotel time.

The Switch port is excellent. One of the best looking Switch games I’ve played, and the controls are very well done. So far I’ve only played the first 5 or so challenges but I’ve been trying to get all of the optional objectives. I haven’t yet tried any of the “real game.” It’s fun enough that I will no doubt pick it up on Steam next time it goes on sale.

Should I even bother playing the original Spintires? Also, I haven’t yet looked at the Snowrunner thread but it appears to be an epic exclusive. Is that correct? Any chance it will eventually be released on Steam?

Many of us trapped in stream hoping for your kind rescue!

Picked this up on Steam, for glory of Soviet mud. I don’t even mind redoing the challenges I beat on the switch, but it is oddly not as good looking a game on pc as on switch. It’s easier to see what’s going on, especially at night, but the graphics are pretty blocky and dated.

Snowrunner is on sale on the playstation store. I will want it eventually, but I am concerned that it will ruin my appetite for mudrunner.

I have questions comrades.

  • Is there a way to tell what the differences are between the different vehicles? Near as I can tell, A vehicles are cars, Bs are light trucks, and Cs are heavy trucks. Ds and higher are even heavier or specialty. But which is best for job of hauling timber in mud?
  • After completing map, apparently I get points I can spend on more maps and vehicles. But I don’t see where those points are counted, or a way to spend them. Are points owned by the Soviet to be spent for good of People?

Something about this game gives me such joy.

Btw, I did pick up Snowrunner on sale, but I am holding off playing it until I complete Mudrunner.

Saw and ad on the Weather Channel for a new show called Mud Mountain Haulers and immediately imagined Tom in the drivers seat:

I do remember some hostilities going on a few years ago, but then I lost track of it all, and assumed that because we were getting new games in the series, that everything had worked out somehow.

I guess not.

Great article. What a shit show!