Stadia - Google's vision for the future of gaming

I haven’t loaded it up in a looong while, but I could swear that the in-game settings/options were “cut down” from what you’d normally see in the store version. So even if it was the PC version, it still required separate support. If it is linux/vulkan, well yeah… even worse.

That’s another thing, when you port a PC game for cloud play you need to remove most of the graphics options.

If you don’t, the first thing users do is go in and turn everything to max. That’s a problem because:

  • Some rendering techniques add latency, which is unacceptable
  • Some settings make visible graphical artifacts more likely for the method you’re using to encode the frame
  • You may put the user on different hardware on different sessions and you need to control the settings so you hit 60 frames per second

Attempting to solve the porting / game library problem:

If true, I have two thoughts. One is that from a business perspective it seems obvious you will still have to buy the games on Stadia, and probably won’t be able to download them on Windows. So this would do nothing to solve the problem of people complaining about having to rebuy games they already have on Steam. Second, this basically kills the whole cloud native idea. It’ll just become a platform for emulated Windows games.

The details of the talk hint at this being written from scratch, rather than using Proton. Crazy if true.

Yeah that’t not gonna move the needle AT ALL.

So much for Stadia’s ad promise of “endlessly upgradeable in the cloud” - Stadia is running last gen games at 30 / 60 fps.

Most stuff they said was possible to do, they just didn’t actually do it.

The negative latency or whatever, though, that was clearly bullshit. People said I was wrong about that somewhere way upthread. Dumbasses.

Microsoft is streaming games through gamepass and it works well.

hahahahah “negative latency” thank you for reminding me of that

literally they said the connection would be so good, the games would play themselves without human input

That’s just watching it on Youtube right? ;)

Another Stadia exclusive’s fate:

Yep, and given the nature of Stadia, this game will be lost forever, like tears in rain.

They’re letting the servers limp along for another six months. This game is going out not with a bang, but with a whimper.

It was a Stadia exclusive for just a limited time though. Even with the Steam and Switch releases it never did blow up.

R Online was also available on PS4, Xbone, Switch, and PC. It’s a F2P version of R which is still available for purchase on all of those platforms.

Ahh OK, great. It’s always a bummer when we lose a game forever.

I think it’s time to start a pool on when Stadia (or at least Stadia v.1) has the plug pull announcement.

Uh oh. Maybe I should play Borderlands 3 Ultimate before that happens.

Just came across this, thought it was interesting -

Uh oh. I’d better start playing my Ultimate Borderlands 3 on Stadia before it disappears.

Great news! Thanks to Stadia’s “negative latency,” you already beat the game without playing it!