Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

You can’t be serious. Even BEFORE I said it, so did Brad - in public. It wasn’t until weeks (yup, we have a thread with that) later that they decided to settle.

That’s shockingly how lawsuits tend to work.

To wit, the same thing happened with Star Citizen which Crytek & CIG suddenly decided to settle when CryTek decided to dismiss their lawsuit with leave to refile when SQ42 launched. And that was AFTER they discovered (something which I was right about) that CIG never did switch to LumberYard, and thus were still using CryEngine in both Star Citizen & SQ42.

That key element (which I outlined in my 2016 blog and ALL my tweets about it) is what forced CIG to settle on CryTek’s terms.

If you were actually following the events of the lawsuit filings and commentary, you would know that CIG tried no less than THREE times to settle, but CryTek rejected it, opting instead to wait for discovery to conclude. And before discovery even concluded, they had the key piece of the puzzle which they knew would be found in discovery. That being: they never switched - at all. Just as I had said back when I started covering the lawsuit in 2017. Good thing that I have it all fully documented in a nice chronological thread.

And just like that, they agreed to settle.

That you think the case was settled without any payments to Crytek, even after discovery gave them the major key piece in their lawsuit - and which SURVIVED the CIG motion to dismiss, is blatant ignorance or an act of denial akin to anti-vaxers or moronic flat-Earthers.

That’s how lawsuits work.

ps. I never - once - claimed that the $17.5m raised by CIG in Jan all went to Crytek. What I did claim is that CIG needed funds to settle the case. And it’s no coincidence that, as per the PUBLIC filings, it happened around the SAME time as the settlement notice was filed with the court. Not to mention that in order to raise that money - in a time of “record” backer funding according to their totally-accurate-funding-chart - a $46m investor (the bailout guys) from Summer 2018 increased their position for PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR (in stark contrast to what they paid in 2018 for their $46m buy-in). I have facts to back this up because they are public. What do you have besides pointless attacks and exhibiting of abject denial and/or ignorance?

Your move.

Funny thing is that this shows you never actually followed the lawsuit because, as you are won to do, paying attention and/or sticking to facts was never your strong suit. So you missed it. Either that or you’re still doing what you do: displaying ignorance.