Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

My Day 3 write-up

Ludicrous, they obviously have all those 3.0 things completed, they just turned them off because they would be confusing to new players. They also don’t want people to fly into space because they want to keep people together to interact for the demo. All the glitches are actually fixed but this is an old press demo that they are reusing because they didn’t want to waste developer time on something recent.

I am kidding, this project is a hilarious disaster but that’s what the insane people on reddit are saying. It blows my mind that people are talking about buying more jpegs after seeing this instead of rushing for refunds.

Can you still get a refund? I’m only in it for $40 and don’t really care, but thought the refund ship had sailed a long time ago.

People who follow the guide on the right sidebar seem to all get their refunds in a week or two:

You had me going for a little bit there. Well played!


You’re not kidding. I popped over there yesterday just to get the general take of that community and I found it a little amusing to see the mental gymnastics performed. For their sake I hope everything works out in the end, as cynical as I am about the project myself.

There are some bizarre parallels to our current political situation that have triggered pattern recognition algorithms in my mind.

What’s funny is that I’ve seen these same comments for a lot of games’ closed demos, and in almost every case, they turn out to be false.

I watched their floor livestream for a bit today and it’s weird. It’s like there is nothing to do in their little sandbox - the group of streamers basically spent the whole time coming up with things to do. Let’s race here…let’s fly to the darkside and see who wins by landing first…lets fly as high as we can and let someone jump out so we can catch them…lets…

There is like, nothing there other than a few vehicles on a map. And that’s not even getting into the janky physics, clipping bugs, etc. And yep, there was a guy running ‘scripts’ periodically to pull ‘updates’ to all the machines running the demo.

I heard through the grapevine that they have to restart the demos/servers periodically to prevent crashes. That might explain why they need so many “updates”. ;)

Oh yeah. Back in the heyday of MMOs when everyone and their dog was making one, you’d see the same thing every single Open Beta. “The lag is fixed in the released build!”, “This is old beta code from months ago! They have super awesome recent code that fixes everything wrong with the game!”.

I’m not kidding, every single open beta (the ones they’d usually run a week or two before launch) was the same thing. After 10 years or so, it was crazy to still see people clinging to the same false hope!

To be fair to CIG, I guess since we’re literally years out from going live, it could all get worked out before launch!

They should stop promoting the multiplayer stuff and put out like one single episode of the single player. Just a few hours long of a polished Wing Commander type game. At least they’d have something people could point to and say, “Oh yeah I played through that little Star Citizen thing, it was pretty cool.”

There’s a reason why that’s a crap ton of jump cuts from the stream with very small segments. After Derek’s compilation of bugs and things I was a little disbelieving that it could be that bad (even though I think this project is a total cluster that is drifting well into the outright scam range) so I loaded up one of the multi-hour stream recordings and just jumped around to random spots to see how it played and it is a disaster. The ‘game’ in that stream honestly looks like some college kids are trying to make a Starseige Tribes inspired game. Everything clips through everything including basic things like whole ships just flying through the ground. The game desynchs constantly like a worse version of X-Wing vs Tie Fighter. All kinds of animations just flake out. Doors don’t open half the time. Guns are just not working right ever. I honestly can’t even understand how it is possible to have a game be that bad in this era even if they only spent 6 months on it.

Ya, I guess I’m not so worried, given in earlier phases like ship combat things were also super glitchy, and they got quite good. Then again, I’m in no rush, so the delays don’t bug me as much.

I’m content to wait and see for now.

No one is buying jpegs of single player ships for $20 up to $3000.

It’s mostly the zealots and shills now. They’re easy to spot actually. I have a radar map.

They can’t. Here’s why.

Put me in for Doubtful.