Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Most of that is pure fiction. I mean, seriously, what stream was he watching?

In the footage, pulled from the official Star Citizen stream, we see various spacecraft fly down from space into the atmosphere of a planet and then down onto the surface. Once there, players can zip around on a kind of hoverbike or pile into a multi-wheeled, off-road buggy transport, assuming your ship has the vehicles ready to roll out or you can get hold of one from a station nearby.

All that stuff actually was shown off at various points. They had folks fly into orbit from the surface, around the moon, back down to the surface, get out and into vehicles, etc.

There’s a difference between a seamless experience of all those activities, and all those activities happening but in chunks.

Well, seamlessly, they had that DeeJay guy get in a fight in a gladius, crash it, get it and onto one of those bike things, run around on the surface with it while being shot at by another dude, then got back into another ship on the surface.

I only watched the actual stream for a bit, but that was what I saw from what I watched yesterday. (Might have been the stream that was recorded from the previous day, since I wasn’t watching it live. Was just watching the recorded one they posted to YouTube).

Don’t get me wrong, there were all kinds of hilarious glitches. I wouldn’t recommend anyone give them money at this point, but those core mechanics of being able to fly back and forth from the surface, multicrew ships, etc. Seemed to be functioning, albeit with many bugs.

That’s patently FALSE. There is NO space region in the “3.0 demo”. They even said that on the stream. And you can’t do ANY of what I excerpted. The “Black” sections shown are the “empty” areas in the CryEngine map they made of Daymar moon. It’s like a sphere inside a box. That’s it.

All I know is that they flew up into orbit from the surface, and vice versa. I mean, you could see them do it multiple times.

I mean, it may just be a “sphere inside a box”, but it was a freaking huge moon sized sphere, and you could see the planet, so apparently they had another sphere in the box too :)

Ultimately though, as I said, I’m happy to wait and see what they put out when they eventually crank out 3.0.

I know. Now please explain to me, in very simple terms, how that equates to this (my excerpt)

In the footage, pulled from the official Star Citizen stream, we see various spacecraft fly down from space into the atmosphere of a planet and then down onto the surface.

Yeah, that’s pretty much exactly what you see them doing, multiple times.

Maybe you are just using a different definition of “space”. I think what that guy is using is a layman’s definition, meaning “way up in orbit, outside the atmosphere, where you can clearly see the curvature of the whole moon”

Which most folks would probably think of as “space”.

sigh I give up.

You never give up.

Yeah, Derek. You giving up on anything would be the real news. :)

A man has got to know his limitations. Plus, I can’t save everyone. :)

That’s what I hoped would happen at the beginning of the project; that the impossible MMO would fizzle and we’d be left with a decent Wing Commander game, sort of how Fable promised some revolutionary freeform experience and ended up a competent action RPG with a novel good/evil display.

Any possibility of that happening evaporated a few years ago. Normally I’d just laugh at the fools getting fleeced but they’re vacuuming up most of the money in the space genre for a shared delusion.

Yup. I just wrote a long missive about that in my Facebook page.

I believe this is about as high as it is possible to go in the floor demo.

I am not sure it is really ‘space’ as gravity is still a constant, at least on player characters. Ships just kind of seem to hang there, though I can’t tell from the vids if the pilots are actively fighting a gravitational pull at that height.

I should (unhelpfully) point out that this is expected behavior physically, so long as they aren’t actually orbiting.

Not that I expect it was intentionally done that way, but at least it isn’t straight-up wrong.

I think most folks would consider that to be “space”. I mean, when you see footage of the Earth from that type of altitude, most folks consider the thing taking the picture to be in space.

Certainly there’s a technical difference in a video game, in that you aren’t entering some region in transition between planetary bodies, but from the perspective of normal people, that’s “space”

Oh yes, for sure.

The question was really whether you could get to space proper in the demo. I suspect you can’t and what is on the floor is not actually ‘full 3.0 but with quantum drive disabled’, but instead there is a hard ceiling and the gravity well cannot be escaped.

But physics is still weird as heck, or at least looks it. In that vid, the guy jumped out of the ship and started falling, but the ship stayed put and just ‘hung’ there appearing to be in geostationary orbit - as if gravity at that height is coded to effect PC’s, but not ships. Now I don’t know of that is good or bad, per se, or otherwise a feature of their lore in how ship drives operate, or the pilot was working to keep the ship in position (I don’t think so given its orientation). It just looks weird to me.