Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

That’s how much I usually pay to get destroyed by some girth…

Er…I mean…what are we talking about?

Holy shit Gordon I am dying you have to stop

So no different than Star Citizen. I’m in!

Can we get Gary Oldman mocap? Also, can I be a space farmer in it?


Looking at this demo I am not surprised about their success. It just looks astonishing.

That is amazing really, the sheer detail of it all, I don’t know how close they are to a game, but this beats anything else I’ve seen.

LOL OMG @Gordon_Cameron that boxshot is amazing!
Those endorsement quotes especially cracked me up.

Please set up a Kickstarter. I’m all in.
I’m trying to imagine some stretch goals.

It was their smoothest demo in quite a long time. But it’s still futures. 3.0 hasn’t released, is hugely delayed and reportedly rather buggy. That demo’d planet (ArcCorp) isn’t even in 3.0. I’m not even sure that modular city tech is/was used to create anything that is in 3.0. It was also a very tightly directed and likely containerised demo, not even really a vertical slice, since there was no mechanics on show beyond the traversal (walking, flying ships) itself. No NPC interaction, no demo mission to drive the demo - just walk, then fly from point A to point B to show off something that is probably yet to even exist in any of their main development branches. This was made for CitizenCon, as could be evidenced by CR thanking various contributors to the demo at the end.

I think you may be using ‘demo’ generously here. I didn’t see anything to suggest that this wasn’t recorded ahead of time. In fact, there were several instances where Roberts asked the ‘pilot’ to do something and it took significant time for the pilot to
comply – suggesting that he was running ahead of the prepared script a bit.

wow… that demo floored me down, honestly! freaking amazing demo!

makes me feel that the below quoted scenario, about piloting a frigate to the orbit of a planet and then taking a smaller fighter to explore the planet - they just showed it here!

Yeah, I think this was also likely. Often you can also tell because the player turning just does not look like natural controller or mouse movements.

The city generation stuff was pretty cool.

Any enthusiasm I had, however, was tempered by the fact that they showed ArCorp landing/city stuff in 2014. It looked cool back then too. You still can’t do what they showed in that demo, and it’s now 3 years later.

Seems pretty silly for them to be focusing on a technology demo at this stage.

Agreed. The stroll then flyover over the city were awe inspiring. And then they leave the planet around the 12’ mark and that backward look is great, but nothing compared to the view of the planet from the space station 3 minutes later.

The question marks over the game are there and acknowledged. But those planets and the level of detailing of the ships are something else.

The whole thing is so beautiful.


First, it was all the usual tech demo bollocks. Even croberts said right off the bat that he was going to show what was coming “after 3.0”. Which could be never. Especially since last week they removed everything after 3.0 (3.1, 3.2…) from the dev schedule, amid much speculation.

The most interesting part about the procgen city nonsense is that it’s all pie-in-the sky which will never - ever - make it into any multiplayer game, let alone an MMO (which Star Citizen is never going to be)

It’s hilarious that I was just on an OpenHouse stream explaining the technical limitations of what they were showing (running at sub 20fps with NO other players, combat, physics etc), then shortly after Sean Tracey (who I mentioned in the stream) released this statement on Spectrum

This was just the same old crap they have done in the past whereby they come up with all these tech demos twice (GameCom, CitizenCon) a year during their most important crowd-funding periods to milk whales with promises that never happen.

The most telling thing about this CitizenCon is that for a 6 hour presentation, there was zero gameplay. That should say a lot. Especially considering that the 3.0 build - which was coming out in Dec 2016 after they hyped that one up at GC2016 - is an absolute mess (a lot worse than the current 2.6.3 patch released this past April).

FYI this is what ArcCorp 2017 showcase looked like in 2014 when it was “coming soon”.

Yes it was. But that’s because they have spent 5 years on visuals and art direction because that’s what makes them money. A “game” doesn’t. This is sort of thing we as devs do when doing publisher pitches. You use your tools and engines to put together the best thing you can show. Then go beg for money to build it.

There is never going to be a game here because they don’t have unlimited time and funds. Plus the tech to pull it off simply isn’t there.

Yeah, but what about in 10 years? See, that’s their secret plan. Keep right on selling jpgs and releasing demos for the next 10 years to keep the cash coming in and then actually build the game once the tech is there. I’m kidding. I think.

When you think something is beautiful, you are seeing more that the sum of its parts.

Know what’s funny? I got asked the same question on the stream last night. My response is always the same. Given time, money and talent, anything is possible. But they have none of that. So that’s that.

One of the backers we had on the stream then - hilariously - tried to say that the first GTA game was 2D. Look where we are now. After I stopped laughing, I calmly explained that’s not how any of that works and that GTA-V was made possible because the tech became available over a very long span of time and cost exponentially more to build it. I also explained that if we froze Star Citizen right now with it’s horrid performance, that in 5 years when CPU and GPU improve, it would be a much better experience, though the graphics would be slightly dated.

I then drew his attention to July 2015 when I wrote and told everyone that in my experience that the game croberts pitched after increasing the scope, could never be built because he neither had the time, talent, or engine, and certainly not for less than $150m. And at $163m, with neither game even 15% of the way there, it’s clear that they would need another 10-15 years. And they would have to rip our whatever CryEngine cruft Amazon left in LumberYard.

Gary Oldman expressed interest… in earning $5 million for a day’s work!!!

Now I just need $5 million.

If you want to be a space farmer, go play M.U.L.E.