Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

That and also “ASCII no questions, I tell you no lies”

LOL!! We have a new contender. They’re not even hiding this scam anymore.

The Verse Pack - $795

LOL!! Five years later —> Gameplay Engineer, Service & Backend WANTED

They seem to have a sizeable number of positions open, largely in the art, animation and engineering department.

Yeah. That’s because most of the core talent have since bailed, and still are (several ejected this past week). Leaving only inexperienced people. Nobody wants to jump on this train-wreck. For some, it’s just a paycheck. Though there are people there who want to be able to stick around long enough to ship something “playable”.

They’re still hiring for things like engineering and animation this many years later and they don’t have a goddamn game yet?

What the fuck have those 500 people in how many countries been doing?

Making pretty pictures, because that’s their primary income.

This thread should be renamed

Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, and only spaceship porn

What do people here think of the alpha - or pre-alpha or whatever it is - the currently playable stuff. Is it at all impressive?

It’s shit. So no.

Derek it’s not like you to hold back. What do you really think. :)

Sigh the demo showed was very impressive.

Our Goon UK accountant has completed his 4-part analysis of the latest Star Citizen financials. It’s interesting.

Step 1: Make models
Step 2: herpderp
Step 3: PROFIT!!

“currently playable stuff”.

Your phrasing here doesn’t make this person sound very credible. ;)

LOL! I concede that hilarious point :)

LOL!!! “Is Star Citizen vaporware?” Someone didn’t get the memo

I wrote an article about everything from Evocati 3.0, refunds and small claims court, to CitizenCon and financial oddities