Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Same here, I’m confused.


The click count has literally doubled since my warning…

Star Citizen is the Donald Trump of video games, isn’t it?

Nothing new here. Idiot gamer gets scammed in real life and expects game company to become forensic investigators to figure out who’s supposed to own what.

The guy should call the cops, not RSI.

If I buy a TV off eBay and get scammed, I don’t call Samsung.

Meanwhile you have literal White Knight JoeBlober clamoring to be fed “10 new ships” each of which will no doubt cost somewhere between $50 and $1,000 and expecting them to build Coruscant prior to 2019.

…can they currently get more than 24 players in the same vicinity without the game glitching out? Is Joe suffering from Stolkholm Syndrome? I feel like I should say something but… there’s aren’t really any value-add words from me, there.

It’s this bizarre reality-disconnect. On the one hand, the game looks gorgeous. On the other hand, if I’m reading the signs correctly I doubt they will be able to achieve everything shown in the promotional videos so far within the next 10 years?

So that leaves folks like JoeBlober. Is he deluded? Am I the deluded one (I doubt it)? If my perspective is closer to reality then it begs the question: ‘does Joe believe what he is typing’? …or is he toe-ing the party line?

It’s like a group-think Matroyshka doll.


That’s a lot of questions. But you’re in luck, because I have answers:

  1. No (<— LMAO!!). They have the server instances at 50 clients. Anything above 8 clients in an instance, and the server heads South.
  2. No. He’s just a special kind of stupid.
  3. No. Not ever (<— LMAO!!). Like, never - ever - never. As in, at all. EVERYTHING I said in my first blog back in July 2015 still stands to this day.
  4. Yes - he is. Also see: Sunk Cost Fallacy + Cognitive Dissonance + White Knight Syndrome
  5. Yes + Yes
  6. Yes - except you never get to the last doll, as that would imply some level of success

that’s cool

what is it

Why did you reply to a four year old post?

s sp spa spam spamb spambo spambot pambot ambot mbot bot ot t

Yeah, looks like it.


This spambot isn’t even trying though. If I were Tom I’d be offended.

I like to imagine “That’s cool” is the spambot equivalent of “Oh hi, Mark”.

Bye, Felicia!

That’s a Qt3 meme, right? It references that lady who’d roll in here and bash Steam every few months, right?