Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

It seems that the judge was fairly harsh to Crytek’s interpretation of the disputed license exclusivity clause. I don’t know how Crytek amends that particular component sufficient to overcome the decision the judge reached using the information presented.

I agree. Also I think she’s tying it all up so as not to waste an appeals court time.

All of the above from her previous ruling will still stand, discovery will commence, the case will go to trial (Summer 2019) if they don’t settle etc

The only issue with this MtD is related to item #2 which Crytek changed to 2.4 in the SAC (Second Amended Complaint) which CIG then filed a new MtD for.

Basically, if this MtD stands - even after Crytek’s amendment - then item #2 (exclusivity) remains GRANTED (in favor of CIG).

Disclaimer: Neither myself, nor those whacky Goons have anything to do with this.

Star Citizen backers who, 6 yrs later, don’t have a game to play, are petitioning US govt to make SCREEN SHOTS (from Star Citizen ofc) derivative works.

Not even joking.

A space sim is a very dynamic video game. A screen shot can include elements of composition. Deciding what view to use, what objects to include in the view etc. I’m not sure there’s enough creativity involved that it should be considered a derivative work but the request isn’t as silly as it might seem on first reading.

It’s silly and wholly without merit. Only the creators of the original works can claim such rights. It’s not like you’re creating an original work (e.g. painting). A screenshot is based on someone else’s original works. By this metric, you might as well copyright song by someone else, just because you created a derivative substep of it.

LOL!! Don’t worry though; it’s totally not P2W.

Source link for more lols

What I’ve realized from reading some of the SC forums is that the people who fund this thing are not normal gamers. To them, this is a dream or even an ideology they’ve signed on to. They’re ok with the game taking 7 more years or even going past their lifetime just so the dream may live. Chris has managed to create a real, true cult, completely divorced from any normal notion of a video game. This is why nothing will faze them. Anything CIG comes up with will be justifiable in order to fund the dream.

Yeah, Chris is probably deflowering virgins underneath posters of Megadeth at this point.

Where’s Janet when you really need her?

Surprised he hasn’t changed his name to include a middle initial T, that would fit neatly with the "Cult of Chris T."™

Yup. All of that. Also Sunk Cost Fallacy + Cognitive Dissonance

I made a video of the latest Crytek v CIG lawsuit. Also Fake News Alert!

#1 (12/12/2017) - original complaint

#2 (01/02/2018) - FAC = First Amended Complaint. This one contained EVERYTHING from the original complaint except they cleaned up the Ortwin issue related to his waiver. So THIS one did supersede the original complaint

#3 (08/16/2018) - SAC = Second Amended Complaint. This one was ONLY about 2.4 which the judge gave them leave to amend in her ruling on the FAC. As a result of this smaller filing, that’s why the judge had this at the TOP of her MtD ruling over 2.4 “On September 6, 2018, Defendants filed their motion to dismiss (“MTD”), now before the Court, seeking dismissal of Crytek’s claim for breach of contract based on Section 2.4 of the GLA”

Soundcloud podcast version

I have a feeling this is probably a dumb question, but:
Could CIG not simply now purchase a second license for Squadron 42?

BREAKING NEWS. Star Citizen execs have sold shares to three shell companies in the Cayman Islands. My Twitter thread.

You could say I called it.

Sale allocation. Each share is currently worth. £0.10, and they sold 132,361 total shares.

Yeah, I’m sure everything is fine.

Chris Roberts was part of Gizmondo?

By popular request, instead of writing a blog, I made a video about the latest Star Citizen five alarm fire.

Soundcloud podcast


They reached 210M. That’s crazy.

We should have made a JPEG of our game eventually coming to Steam and then everything would’ve been easy.

Nah man, make an animated GIF of a ship of yours flying through an asteroid field shooting at asteroids, only the asteroids are floating Steam logos.