Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

LOL!! This thread and my blogs :)

Did this game get finished?


I think it will be finished off before it will ever be finished.

It will be finished as in: I’m finished. Now I have to throw away this sticky wad of tissues and hide my porn again.

This looks pretty cool -



Are you telling me that until now they didn’t have female characters?

You know, 51% of the human race?

And the game didn’t have any?

I don’t think it had female player characters until now, if I understand the story correctly.

Shit. Check out Arma 3. They still don’t have civilian women in the game, let alone soldiers.

I thought Arma 3 was a weird comparison choice since it came out in 2013, but they probably started development about the same time.

Female characters seem to be super glitchy and basically broken. So they are already working as well as the male characters.

We have reached the promised land of gender equality! All hail Star Citizen!

Not yet, they’ve only got 2 genders so far. There’s dozens more to go.

Are there non-humans in (or planned to be in (hah)) the SC universe? Dozens might be way too conservative.

The $280M walking sim

3.5 is going live today. It’s an absolute mess.

You can start laughing now…

So what’d they actually release for the big quarter-of-the-year patch? Let’s take a look:

Art Assets

Something about face customization
female character models
New planet + moons (art assets)
New paint scheme for super hornet
NEWS VAN variant ship
Two new guns


2 new missions + some variants
1 new quest giver for the new planet
Tweaked all the flight thrust numbers and added “Atmospheric Lift” where “Lift” is defined as “Some kind of upward thrust when you’re going forward, but not really necessary, because all the ships can still hover perfectly”
Added item wear/repair (oh loving boy)

What did they cut?

Still Mentioned In Roadmap But Not In Patch Notes:

Heat system
AI Bounty Hunting in Environmental Missions
Vehicle Scanning Hud Improvements
AI Distress Beacons
Vehicle Radar v2
Quantum Travel Improvements
Vehicle Scanning Improvements
Vehicle Tech Updates v1
Groups System Improvements
VOIP & FOIP Improvements
Distortion Damage Improvements
Ship AI Flight Model Update
Ship AI Combat Behavior Improvements
Basic Gunship Behavior
FPS: Collision Avoidance V2
Ursa Rover “Fortuna”
Banu Singe Tachyon Cannon
Performance Optimization
Asynchronous Disconnection Refactor
Network OCS Stall Fixes
Projectile Manager
Hard Surface Shader Improvements


Fuel Refining
Commarray revision
Liquid/Gas Exploration
Expanded Cargo
Data Running
Long Range Scanning
Salvage: Scanning
Salvage: Extraction
Salvage: Processing
Salvage: Selling
Buy/Sell Fuel
Fuel Transfer
Manual Repair
Ship Repair In General
Repuatation/Law System
Escort Service Beacons
FPS Combat AI Styles
FPS: Stealth v2
Flight: Quantum & Strafing
Origin 890 Jump
Banu Defender
Origin M50 Improvements
Kruger P52 Merlin Improvements
RSI Constellation Taurus
Origion 300 series variants
Some stupid gun
Some other stupid gun
Parallel Network Jobs
Lobby Refactor
Gas Cloud Tech
Object Container Streaming: Improvements

All in all, another one knocked out of the park! Good work CIG!


They still haven’t built a SINGLE one of the 106 starsystem promised. They’re still in Stanton where only Arccorp (in 3.5), Hurston, and Crusader are “complete”. Back in Sept 2018, I wrote about that, and included a list of them.

In the backdrop of the disastrous 3.5 release, a new and more volatile fiasco has been playing out. And the tribe are feeling particularly violent.

Basically, the $0 CCU not-making-money-for-CIG freebie days are over.

Oh, and that much touted FOIP from 2017 is apparently DOA.

Re: 106 star systems, I obviously don’t understand game dev™ but at some point can’t they just proc gen the rest and call it a day? Or does the level of “fidelity” they are going for preclude this?

No, they can’t. Both of the ones they have right now have elements of procgen (the areas you can’t get to); but there’s a LOT more post-process work involved; especially since the areas which are player accessible, are levels which have to be created manually. It’s why they currently only have so few areas.

New filing in Crytek v CIG et al

I know it’s dumb to ask because I know the answer will be no, but did they add any token news related content or is it just a different color as the other versions?