Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Well even if this never does come out, at least we got some quality JPEGs.

Oh man, I was going to post and draw parallels between the SC “whales” (or maybe we could call them “true believers”) and Jim Jones’ followers but you beat me to it.

I can dig it.

And GIFs!


This is maybe my favorite part:

“Forbes uncovered!” You could just log into the game and figure it out yourself! There is no hidden info in this statement to “uncover!”


Well, to these fuckwits, actually doing your own work is an accomplishment like TMZ marching into Fallujah in 2005.

Which, you know, I would have totally watched

lol ScreenRant wrote two articles, 24hrs apart

new controversy around mishandled
new controversy

When I was a teenager, a buddy of mine moved away. We amused ourselves by mailing back and forth “issues” of Pure Shit, a satirical “newspaper” we created, consisting of all the stuff that nerdy adolescents consider just hi-lar-i-ous.

I think I might ping him (he’s a comic artist, these days) and see if we can get some vulture capital going for a reboot of Pure Shit. I believe the content might just explode in today’s market.

Based on all the unfurled article boxes on here, this is going a lot better for CIG than it could be. All of the articles are using out-of-game concept art pictures that make it look like there’s actually some kind of game there.

They should all have pictures of some space person stuck halfway in the floor or being killed by a door.

I’d read it.

So would I.

In other news, this is a great video to watch. It’s so unintentionally ironic.

I can’t watch it at the moment. Is it more unintentionally ironic than Alanis’ Ironic?

An hour to listen to the leader of an SC guild rant about the Forbes article? Yeah, sorry, no thank you.


My latest

I think that it’s great that in this era of entrenched polarized arguments that you were able to look past it all and admit that the game is just really really good now.

Okay, that’s more like it. Now you’re talking half a billion total.
Twice upthread I mentioned one billion dollars, and I think people thought I wasn’t serious.
Well I am, and I’m stickin’ to my guns.

Of course you realize if he hits one billion dollars, he’ll need to get a bigger house.

But how you do get your money out? Money laundering is worthless unless you can get your money out of the washing machine.

I think Roberts is buying high end BT app enabled washer and dryers.