Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

I think the level of knowledge of anything is low on average. We absorb the knowledge that’s enjoyable, such as anything related to entertainment, while learning little about history, geography, or the sciences, outside of what we need for our job.


Waiting for @dsmart to arrive to give us the current story behind the story. Exciting stuff!

Yeah. If he takes too long we might have to do The Summon™

I dunno, the “major updates” (through no fault of @dsmart 's!) have been relatively ho-hum or legal filings.

I don’t think there’s that much to say right now.

The legal case with Crytek is very slowly going forward (Crytek just put up a bond for 500k related to the case and discovery should be going on).

They basically haven’t actually delivered anything significant new. They publish roadmaps and then just push everything back constantly, but that’s not particularly interesting. None of the large ships are in the game yet. They are supposedly close to releasing the 890 Jump (which cost $890 no joke) which is a medium sized type “luxury” ship. It probably won’t work at all.

Supposedly they are focused primarily on getting the single player Squadron 42 game done, but their roadmaps show basically no progress on it let alone actually showing any progress.

It’s kind of boring instead of a constant stream of hilarity.

I wonder what it’s like to be a developer on that game.

It’s definitely extremely depressing. But at the same time, a lot of development work in a lot of companies is depressing. There’s no lack of bad management.

Yup, that’s basically it.

As to the bond, they pushed for $2m thinking it would give them a settlement bargaining edge. The judge was like “nuh-uh”, and set it at $500K.

Crytek posted the $500K bond yesterday - with a middle finger to CIG. No bond company needed. They posted the whole amount from their slush fund. LOL!!

Like I said, the bond could have been the whole $2m and Crytek would have posted it.

Notice how they didn’t even use a third-party bond service where they pay a small fee for the service to post the bond. They just posted the whole amount. It’s like a judge giving you a $500K bail and you post the whole amount from your piggy bank instead of paying a bail bondsman 10% to post it.

The game itself is as good as dead. There dev schedule is basically stagnant now. And the tide is shockingly turning against CIG among the biggest backer ranks. The sub-Reddit is a battleground of utter hilarity as they tie their brains in knots. The biggest lol riot is that they’ve been waiting for Server Side Object Container Streaming (SSOCS) forever - and a day. I’ve written for several years now that it’s simply not possible with their architecture. Yes, almost 3 yrs later of promises, it was removed from the dev schedule. Yes, those tossers over on Reddit are convinced that it’s actually in dev - in a supa sekret build.

Star Citizen, as I’ve said all along, will never - ever - be an MMO. Ever.

Rather, we absorb information about stuff we like. Actual knowledge creation–an interactive, imaginative, and deeply intellectual act–is rare as hen’s teeth.

It’s like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from going under.

What’s amazing to me about projects like these is how long they always manage to keep going, even though it has been obvious for years that the entire thing can only end up a train wreck.

Don’t push me, I’m close to the edge!

Spoken like a true scholar of learning.

Well, if you saw the financials (2012-2017) which they released after getting an investor bailout, it would be obvious that were it not for loans and a few big backer spenders, the whole thing would have collapsed back in 2016. Just as I had predicted back in 2015.

I mean, take a look at this.

Aside from the stagnant and regressive nature of the dev schedule, they’ve been steadily removing features and tech from the roadmap. The latest:

List of gameplay features that have been completely removed from the roadmap

Meanwhile over there…Like seriously wtf! <— this dude totally believed that buying expensive ships for a game that’s nowhere close to release, was a good investment. Seriously - this is what we’ve been dealing with.

Sunk cost fallacy at work. If you’ve “invested” ten large in pictures of spaceships, you have a strong interest in convincing yourself that everything is fine, and once you’ve done that, why not “invest” some more money into this project that is totally fine.

It also becomes self-reinforcing, because no one wants to admit they were a fool, and the more time you spend defending your foolishness, the more hardened you become in your motivated belief that you’re not. Especially if you seek out a community of other people who also want to validate the same foolishness, and reinforce each other.

These are also the people who are going to be the angriest when their bubble pops, and there’s nowhere to hide from the reality of the situation any more.

Remember back in 2015 when I wrote a highly publicized blog saying the games pitched by Chris Roberts couldn’t be made, let alone for less than $150m?

Well there it is. I have updated my numbers. They will hit $300m by year end without a SINGLE game being released.

For nostalgia’s sake, here is the blog. I am completely shocked that every single thing in that blog was spot-on.

If the recent Reddit and official forum threads are any indication, we’ve already arrived at this juncture.

300m and no game in sight, pretty awesome scheme they have going.


Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence.

I’m still not sure which side they fall on.