Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

It’s always been about incompetence - with a dash of unjust enrichment, lies etc thrown in

But think of the jpeg’s we wouldn’t have seen if not for Star Citizen!

That’s sorta my point. For some reason projects like this seem to often manage to conjure up cash from somewhere and keep the train on the rails for another year.

When this goes belly up will Chris blame the players for not supporting it in its time of need, or will he take personal responsibility for the mess he’s made

I’m going to guess plenty of blame to spread around, fans and coworkers both.

Accepting responsibility is a fool’s errand in Trump’s America.

Heh, sort of. I do teach a class called Integrative Thinking, and most of our curriculum design is centered on teaching how to think, though.

And the ads.

Not sure I have seen any ads for SC since the kickstarter pitch back in… 2012(!!!)… that netted them 270 gold coins from me, but I am sure the others since then have been good.

What does your heart tell you?

Maybe Chris will blame the game’s backers for giving him too much money.

Blame Crytek?

I’m guessing he’ll just say they reached too high, and the technology wasn’t ready yet.

I think that if Star Citizen ever folds, God will just reach down and take Chris Roberts directly into Heaven.

I’m trying to imagine that…

Ain’t no sharding in Heaven.

Blame Canada?

Surely a new stretch goal for SC will be deities?

Imagine, a HUGE ARMADA OF 2 5000$ spaceships crewed by at least 3 players (since the max on the server is 8)… and the only hope against them is… a god… For only 9,995$ your pilot can equip a ring that gives them extra powers in addition to whatever they have in their ship.

my precious…

Honest and serious question. When the whales finally catch on and the spigot slows, what happens? Do you think they try to salvage what they have? Cut all the superfluous content to focus on the core game that was originally pitched in 1200 BC? Does Chris have a secret fund to help finish all the current game objectives? Would they cut and run by declaring bankruptcy to wash their hands? Some other option I haven’t thought of? ie. ask the players to finish it themselves LOL.

I think the “game” is just the “dream”. Try not to rationalize what goes through these people’s minds, you won’t have much luck. They are in it for the “feels”, for the dopamine rush that comes with each new ship, for hearing talks about the “vision” of the Grand Prophet. When the money runs out, they will blame it on some random thing, conclude that it was all worth it for all the “fun” they had and join the next cult.