Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Or a character from Warhammer 40K. Maybe an Inquisitor.

To be fair, the removed modes were absolute shit. Granted, the remaining one is merely just bad, but at least that could be something to build off of. Launching with all those 3 modes was complete madness.

Maybe this has become some bizarre money laundering scheme unintentionally? It’s hard to see where they get the benefit but perhaps gray market selling of jpgs is large enough? i agree though about the numbers and prices being very weird relative to what the gaming market normally is.

You don’t see unless you have spent $1K or more.

Sunk Cost Fallacy + Cognitive Dissonance + Money Laundering = profit!

yeah, but they totally switched to Lumberyard though

Having so many bespoke changes would make integrating changes from Lumberyard very difficult, if not impossible in some cases. There would need to be a careful evaluation of whether the gain outweighed the effort required or it would be easier/better to develop our own solution. As far as I am aware we haven’t integrated anything new from Lumberyard.” - CIG lead dev

Yes, they switched to a Lumberyard licensing agreement.

I see what you did there, man :)

And there it is

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the official forums are lit by 98%+ negative posts

those roadmap changes are hilarious lol. They had to remove the elevator panel UI update because it “expanded in scope”? whats so hard about throwing a small list together for a temporary, workable ui?

looking at their roadmap, even, you’re left wondering: where is the content? there are 2 upcoming patches with what I would call little to no actual content, and that has supposedly taken up most of the rest of the year.

Brings back memories of the helmet UI story

written in 2015… dear lord… :O

“Roberts says there’s a roadmap, and that they plan to have the game completed by the end of 2016.”

Because with a in game elevator UI working, you’d also need to introduce elevator repair man skills, a company where they work for, HR, HR Systems, Payroll etc. You’d need building security, and someone to play those roles, as well as other building maintenance features, yet again from a different company. They would need a plot for the elevator repair company AND their subcontractors, infrastructure to connect them to the already fucklong train ride. Then you’d need identiy checks, a way to produce plastic cards and validate them ingame, a camera, which will need to be modelled and have a working camera configuration UI - maybe it should run something similar to android, and, since it is running a cool OS, maybe it should be possible to add games and other features to this, which you can purchase from the ingame ingame store, so they need to develope a game-os for the game that these games can be build on. Perhaps licensing 3rd party software, like, instagram for your ingame Kodak™ camera, or other third party filters. Maybe you’d hook up with the kardashians to add some glamour.

So, sometimes an elevator UI is not just an elevator UI – and that sometime is the dread pirate Chris Roberts’ brain.

Oh wow, now I want to play an elevator repair man in the game. Perhaps make that a career option, moving up to owning the elevator company and trying to expand your elevator business across the galaxy. THIS is why this is the most amazing game ever. I’m saving up money to purchase a JPEG of a deluxe elevator.

You’re going to have to wait until Q1 2021, I’m afraid, for the launch of the elevator repair ship, which will be flyable Q2 2022.

You forgot about safety inspections.

Sorry, I just spent $15,000 on the CR Signature Elevator Repair Van Ship. Limited time offer and only available to Chris Roberts Worship Acolytes members.

True, I had to stop at some point…, as unlike RSI I do not have all the time in the world (and the funding, apparently…) to expand the scope.

Look how happy they are, repairing and repairing!

Since the game allows for pirates in space? (and not just on earth as a company supposedly making a game), surely you’d also need custom inspectors, pirate protection details, body cavity searchers, etc.

Stop it, you guys, or Chris Roberts will hear you and the game will be delayed another three years as he tries to work those systems in.

Do you want the most accurate simulation or not? Will safety codes vary from system or will there be an inter-system standards body? How will players participate in the political system that ultimately decides things like building and safety codes? How am I to feel I’m taking part in a living breathing universe without basic rights like political participation?