Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

On the one hand, I’m so glad I resisted putting any money into this way back when the Kickstarter was happening. I think I was in KS fatigue even that long ago, but it’s been so long I can’t be sure. On the other hand, what did I even do with that $40 instead? Probably nothing great.

Yes but at least you didn’t buy into the self loathing and festering resentment which we know would have ensued! So there is that.

I guess that’s worth something, and I didn’t even have to spend anything to get it.

Maybe, if they’re a contractor for a big company/government…

Sounds sort of like the stuff we write when we are forced to provide a weekly status update but we haven’t done a whole lot of real work.

haha that newsletter. If any of that is to be believed, they are so far away from beta launch. If none of it is to be believed then, well, they are so far away from beta launch. lol

I’m sure any minute now they’ll announce that with the addition of flux devices they have attainted 88 flops in their custom SSE shader engine for Junkyard.

edit: Ah, Lumberyard is the name of the engine, not Junkyard, my bad.
edit: CryEngine really.

A Freudian slip, no doubt.

It’s precisely as you understand it. All smoke and mirrors under the guise of “yeah, we’re totally working on two games. See?”. They know that their backer base will swallow anything they post - bs and all. And they’re not even trying to cover it any more.

No. They’re NOT and NEVER were using Lumberyard. I said this years ago, and the Crytek lawsuit confirmed it. They are still using their custom build of CryEngine called Star Engine. The Lumberyard “switch” was in license name only because they didn’t want to pay Crytek for a SQ42 license. And that got them sued - and ended up costing them more than a license would have. It’s free money from backers, so who cares, right?

Not to worry. Whatever engine or trash pile they are using, it is the wrong one for their purposes :-)

There’s an ideal engine for rendering jpegs?

So if you wanted to launder money, wouldn’t it be 10x or 100x more effective in any F2P game? Just make a company based in Russia or something as a front. Then buy a failing/failed game that already exists. It’s totally normal for players to spend 1000 dollars every month on essentially gifs and temporary power upgrades in games like that. So you just send the dirty money to the game in gigantic micro transactions and hey, you are indistinguishable from any other terrible F2P game with 95% profit margins.

Edit: A bit of research shows this is done in Counter Strike at lower monetary amounts, in the second way described in this thread, player to player sales. That hardly seems something you can pin exclusively on SC though.

I don’t think anyone said it was a new thing or that it was unique to SC.

Meanwhile, over there

Do the insanely high ship prices make SC a better target for laundering than other games? Transaction costs and all that?

Ha, good luck.

Funny, that’s how I felt about Spore.

Yes - pretty much.

About that money laundering thing…