Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Which is why it’s dead. See my prev post.

Thanks man. It was a surreal experience indeed. And I made the local news :)

Indeed, really glad you are ok Derek. Hard to fathom people being prepared for this kind of event from this side of the pond.

As for SC, Fleet Week will see the release of the first tank in the game, the Tumbril Nova Tank. It’s currently on the test server and Morphologis has a neat tour of the vehicle and gameplay with several of them in a group.

It obviously looks better than its armour performs. But it’s still pretty good at setting a shock and awe mood.

Wait…tanks? Why the fuck do we need tanks, exactly?

How else will you hold and defend the plots of land (that I believe they already had on sale at some point)?

To protect the planetside hot dog stands.

It’s pretty damn hard to fathom on this side as well, believe me. :(

How dare you slander them claiming that they have sold plots of land!!! That would be pretty a pretty crass money grab in a game where there’s nothing you could actually do on a plot of land.

Instead, in 2017 for only $50 (4x4km) or $100 (8x8km) they sold Land Claim Beacons which will allow allow players to claim plots of land in the future when they get around to adding it to the game. That it has made no progress in 4 years and doesn’t even appear on any of their roadmaps is definitely a good sign that it is an important gameplay element that is definitely going to happen and 2017 was the logical point in time to sell them to players for real cash money.

I honestly haven’t followed that particular debacle, But outposts where you can settle and then use as your own base have been on the roadmap for a while and are being progressed quite heavily at the moment. Aren’t those land claims related to claiming a spot for your outpost? If you don’t know, don’t waste your time searching. You just seen to know more than I do on that topic.

Edit: I checked. That’s what it’s about. Those are definitely on the roadmap and bring worked on.

How do I place an outpost?
In order to place an outpost one must first be constructed. This is done within the workshop of a Pioneer and then placed directly onto the designated surface area. The complexity of the outpost will dictate the type and quantity of materials required, as well as the time to complete.

What options do I have for outpost layouts?
Outposts may consist of a number of different interconnected modules, each of which has a particular purpose. The owner may grant permission to access the available facilities to any individual or organization they wish. The habitation module enables authorized users to respawn at that location. The armory is a small arms storage locker, intended to ensure that any defenders of the establishment have sufficient firepower on hand to repel intruders. The refining module allows ore to be deposited for separation into its component elements and later retrieved, such that the required storage space will have been greatly reduced and the profit margin enhanced. The hydroponics module fosters the growth of various types of organic materials for periodic harvesting. Additional storage modules increase the quantity of raw ore, refined materials, organic products, and supplies that may be held at the outpost at a given time. Finally, the medical module provides basic medical services and equipment, and is sufficient to cure most diseases and patch most injuries.

If not, the idea of the Tonk is still to participate in org ground warfare to take and defend said outposts (and I’m guessing Theatres of War missions which will also feed into persistent universe gameplay eventually).

Checking the link, that sale was the usual pay money to support development if you’d like system. I know why it’s distasteful, but it’s not a huge deal and nobody was forced to join in to get any advantage.

OK, then sell me a JPEG of an old fashioned A-10 aircraft from the past and I’ll wipe the map of all of those tanks.

Jpegs being sold of vehicles that haven’t been made to participate in systems which haven’t been developed for game loops that don’t exist.

Alright then!

Buying jpegs is the game loop.

At this point I think even Mel Brooks would throw up his hands and say, “I can’t work with this. No one would believe it!” I mean, “Springtime for Hitler” pushed the envelope way back when, but this game goes so far into elaborate scam territory that it makes the shenanigans of The Producers look totally legit.

There is some context tho. People are paying fortunes for meme coins, dying company stocks, companies that don’t sell much valued like they are a monopoly, insanely high real estate prices etc. Consideting what has been happening for a few years, ships bought for thousands in a game with no gameplay suddenly doesn’t seem so unusual.

Life imitates art.

Oh man. They should put NFTs into their jpeg sales.

You know they’ve thought about it.

I was going to say that, but actually doing that would basically be an admission that Star Citizen is nothing but a jpeg trading card game.

Nah, they could do it by saying the NFT represented the lead ship of the class, or even better sell them “ownership” of the ship class itself, which would confer no real benefits except maybe forcing all other owners of the same ship type to have a portrait of the class’s owner’s avater on board somewhere.