Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Yeah, I know. Not only that, it’s not even accurate because it doesn’t take into account over $75M in investor money between 2018-2020.

Great job, games journalism.

I don’t get that at all from the headline. “Still not out” certainly implies it’s been in development a while, and the line directly underneath the headline makes that clear. Besides, I doubt that many who read Kotaku don’t have any idea about SC by now.

If this has been posted here before, I didn’t see it.
It’s almost a year old, is really well-done, and yet has only 3800 views:

The market for Star Citizen takes has been kinda saturated for many years and demand has dropped off significantly over time.

I still like the KiraTV video on it from last year:

A guy who basically avoided talking about the game because of how charged the conversation is, but then just goes through a bunch of the arguments and claims. There’s just so many quotes from Roberts over the years that were fantastical lies but he’s never had to explain himself for.

Like even if you say “oh delays happen”, you’ve got the man saying that backers would get everything they pledged and more by the end of the year… in 2015. Six years ago. No explanation ever given beyond the usual boilerplate about how he wants it to be perfect, with no engagement of the fact that there was never any chance of delivering on that statement - quite literally. It was a lie. Not an overly optimistic estimate or something - a lie.

You’ve got people saying they played the entire SQ42 campaign years ago, only to then have CIG talking about still working on very basic building blocks of those missions years later. No explanation. “He wants it to be perfect”.

He didn’t even spell correctly the name of the thing you erect over an oil well!


C’mon guys. I learned to accept long ago that kids on YouTube can’t write. That’s why they’re on fricking YouTube, and not writing blogs!

Example: Lyric videos. Ever seen one done correctly, with the correct words and/or spelling?

Our country has become illiterate. We need to accept that and move on.


I throw balls far. You want good words? Date a languager.

… +1

Tell me about it. As a teacher, albeit of college students, the gap between the sheer amount of useful information available to people on the one hand, and the inability to actually make use of that information on the other is one of my day to day hair-pullers. Or would be, if I had hair.

No! Do not go gently into that good night! Rage! Rage against the dying of the light!

IIRC, Derek Smart is in the dictionary after all, so yeah, spell check should have caught that at the very least.

Like, literally!


…and there’s that

I don’t even…


Goons are whack!

…and I had nothing to do with that.

I’m disappointed Battlecruiser 3000 isn’t on that chart!!