Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Only 2 more years to go!

Heh, I misread that as “Star Citizen is 42 years from launch . . .”


Or the game is delayed because Roberts has moved to Manchester and is micromanaging the team.

No, the game is delayed because the scope is gargatuan, the project management is terrible, the architectural decisions are a clusterfuck, and the financial incentives for success are based mainly around hype and jpegs.

Lest we forget.

Another reminder:

“We’re already one year in - another two years puts us at 3 total which is ideal. Any more and things would begin to get stale.” - Chris Roberts

“I guess we’ll see how long [Roberts] needs to be over [in the UK]. But yeah, it could be one or two years more,” Jones told MCV Develop. “He’s spending more time over here with the Squadron 42 team and with our other developers, but it’ll be this year when he moves over for longer periods of time. Hopefully, that means we can progress Squadron 42 through to completion faster. We want to get that game finished, but it will be finished when it’s ready.”

The jaw-dropping line, however, comes following a discussion about scaling the studios over the next five years: “We’ll still have huge development resources,” says Jones. “Because by that time we’ll be developing the sequel and sequels for Squadron 42.”

Yes: This is Cloud Imperium, the studio behind a game infamous for being unfinished, talking about developing not just a sequel but sequels to a Star Citizen game that isn’t out yet.

What part of that is jaw dropping (from the article quote)?

SQ42 has been known to be a multi part series for years. They plan to use the engine to use the engine to release more of the single player story.

Yes, I know. We are still waiting for the first game. But that doesn’t change the longer term plan. Further Squadron 42 games is one of the planned income streams. Gaming journalism living up to its name…

For something more fun than the constant gnashing of teeth about how late a game people here don’t play is, the Daymar Rally takes place this Saturday (15th of January).

It’s an infamous race where all kind of orgs in game train for weeks before and let all hell loose on a moon race.

This is a 3 year old trailer. The available vehicles and vehicle physics have been overhauled since.

The race is now 510km long:

Oh nice. Space Tomato made a documentary about last year’s race. It’s produced little the real thing would be. Shows off Daymar’s surface and the ships and vehicles nicely too.

Cars with wheels racing on the ground, that makes a lot of sense for a space sim.

I wouldn’t use “jaw-dropping”. “Galling” would perhaps be a better word.

I feel like Chris might be inventing new phrases and buzzwords to explain why it hasn’t been released. Maybe he can sell these terms to others to help fund this ongoing train wreck.

Huh, that looks kinda neat. I couldn’t help but notice a couple of trucks on the starting line going off at wild angles. Wonder what that was about.

The trailer is 3 years old. And the documentary over and the documentary nearly 2 years old (March 2020). So bear in mind they don’t represent the current state of the game. My guess would be server desync or lag which causes the cameraman to see the vehicles going in different directions for a moment.

It’s still an issue nowadays. Some servers suffer from more desync than others, making space combat difficult at times. Though it’s getting better over time.

I think the idea of the really and the different categories is really good. They have overhauled hover bike physics recently. They now give you altitude control, allowing you to hover higher but move a bit slower, or stay closer to the ground at higher speed. Of course, you are more at risk of collisions. It should spice up that race category
this year.

I had no idea about this Rally thing. Thanks for posting videos here. I do watch some of them when I can, and they are always at least interesting. I may always have negative things to say about the man in charge over there, but his employees are actually trying to do good work when he lets them, and from time to time, it really shows.

Just to add on to that, in April 2015 Chris Roberts announced that there would be three parts where the first part would fulfill the Kickstarter promises and have the equivalent of 70 Wing Commander missions and be playable that year:

Then Episodes 2 and 3 will tell more of the overall arc after that.

Always fun to see how many times Squadron 42 has been declared almost done according to Chris.

There’s no denying you can have fun with mates on it; but there’s no lack of jank games you can do that on, with or without human enforced rules. The problem for me is that’s not special, and doubly so for the price it asks.

I’ve been playing Star Citizen for ~14 days now and while I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, I find it Quite Interesting to see what happens when you completely surrender to scope creep.

Here’s an example:
I got a small injury in a firefight while doing a mission inside a bunker. After the fight was over, I got into my spaceship that I had parked outside and flew to the big city on the planet I was on.

After parking the ship at the spaceport, I used signs inside the spaceport to find the correct tram to take to the city center. In the city center, I found the hospital and admitted myself in the reception.

I was told to go to room 508, so I took the elevator to the fifth floor and found room 8. Inside the room I found a doctor and some nurses. I lay down on the bed and my injuries were cured. (Note: I know there are much easier ways to get healed).

That’s just insane. Not sure where SC is on a bad-good axis, but it’s definitely an experience.
It’s also very pretty. Here’s my new ship heading down to the big city:

They went all in on the immersive, for sure. And I love it. Everything is meant to work within the fiction.

Like you said, there were options. A field medic could also have healed you, using a Cutlass Red medical bed if need be, as your injuries didn’t sound too severe. Though there isn’t always one handy. Part of the fun is to give in and see where the experience takes you. You aren’t just a ship. You are part of the verse. I really enjoy that.

As for the Avenger Titan, it’s a beauty of a small ship. Good choice. I don’t own one, but fly one every time it goes free during a free flight event. And I always take screenshots of it too. :)