Star Realms

They are removed automatically after a few days.

I know as soon as the league starts officially my winning streak will end!

I have had some very close games but sometimes either you or your opponent will get a huge combat hand! And then WHAM the tide shifts! :)

Fair warning, I’m heading off to Gencon this afternoon. I will try and keep up with the turns, but don’t be surprised if I miss a day or two.

I think GenCon is absolutely the best excuse ever!

Would love to play some of this with some QT3’ers.

Star Realm name: Rockfrog

Posted in the leagalete thread also.

Challenged by GeeWhiz already…seeing as how I lost to the A.I. my first 4 games, I’d better step it up…Thursday night is my wife approved stay up and game night…know what I will be working on!

If I’m losing 2/3 to 3/4 of the games against the computer (on normal) in the last half of the second campaign, does that mean I’m really bad at the game? I’m not sure this game is my thing.


Good Game!

Nice comeback :)

I cannot get past the second campaign stage so I do not think that makes one a bad player. :)

Just got man handled by GeeWhiz…but while I was playing him, I was playing against some random guy who I beat while I still had 69 authority left…I thought, wow, I’m good, and then GeeWhiz brought me down to earth.

Thanks for the vote of confidence!

I was being manhandled by a list of people on here (within seconds of each other (Dave Perkins, LordGek, hmmm… more than I can type actually - laugh).

According to their Facebook, It’s processing for the App Store!!! Yayyyyyyy!

I guess we have a couple of strategies:

[li]The BB (big blob)
[/li][li]Discard everything (I wont mention who loves that one) ;)
[/li][li]The Whiz (just buy stuff and hope for the best - heh)

Yea I’m not doing so good thus far. Lost my first 2 MP games and the rest aren’t going so well. Got to figure it out eventually.

The people that get those big combat hands are using ally bases and ships. That is where the synergy comes from. It behooves to watch what is on the board. Sometimes the luck of the draw just goes against you.

I really think scrapping your scouts plays a huge role in this game; it is better than drawing an extra card after watching Dave P. play me. :)

It seems to be easier to get those scrap cards than those draw another card. Plus, learning when to sacrifice something to gain extra authority, gold, or combat is another skill. I realize that everyone already knows this all - I am just talking to myself waiting for Dave to scrap another ship…I mean take his turn. ;)

I had 3 bases on my last game on my last turn. 27 combat to win. I concentrated on two of the colored factions and started getting rid of the low level cards and it worked well…now off to study some more strategies and get revenge on GeeWhiz!

The base cards deserve to be scrapped. They purely suck!

There’s another card game like Star Realms called Nightfall, and in it, too, you start with ten somewhat weak cards, but they must be played wisely or you’ll lose. I love that! I don’t think I’ll ever like SR as much as I like NF. We are playing NF in the leaguelets thread, too. And tecwrtr has free codes!

I am scared of vampires and werewolves! :)

I have to say I cannot beat that campaign number 2 scenario. The computer buys bases and then more bases. :)

Adding more authority to each side does change things up. I really wish this allowed 4 player games.

Much like in Ascension, banishing your starter cards is one of the best strategies you can follow. As long as someone doesn’t Blob you to death in the interim.

And don’t worry about losing to the campaign. Some of the starter decks they give you are crap, and for most of the campaign, you’re at an Authority disadvantage to your opponent. Playing vs. AI is probably a better gauge of your readiness for other humans.

Or just be like me and read the instructions, then start against humans and learn by losing. More fun to lose to real person than to an AI. :)

Y’all feel free to challenge me. I’ve only completed 2 or 3 games, so I’m still a n00b.

BTW, this game rocks on the Surface Pro 3, except for some reason it is a total CPU hog. Drains my battery worse than playing Civ V, which should not be the case.