Star Trek Beyond

From the IMDb page, I’m guessing that’s the villain from Kingsman: The Secret Service with the bladed feet!

Devin Faraci, who was one of the most vocal and early critics of Into Darkness, takes on the fan hate this trailer is getting.

The first, shortest point is: this is a trailer intended to get general audiences interested. It’s a trailer that is being attached to Star Wars, and it’s a trailer selling a movie that is following up the dour and destructive Star Trek Into Darkness. Just as that Khan trailer was selling a Trek movie to non-Trek audiences, so is the Beyond trailer.

Second, Star Trek has always been fun. Let’s assume the 90 seconds we saw represent the film: so? The original Trek had two pilots: a talky, more cerebral one that the network declined and a more pulpy one that ended with Kirk fist fighting a god and then killing him with a cascade of rocks. I like the second one much better, if we’re being honest. And that one set the tone for the original show.

Oh, nonsense. No one is complaining about action in a Trek movie, it’s about tone and sensibility.

Okay, but as someone else pointed out, if the tone of this trailer is irking you, then the previous two movies should’ve been outside of your preference as well. The sentiment that Trek should be more thoughtful and contemplative died a long time ago at Paramount. I’m not sure why anyone would bother bitching about new Trek at this point.

This is someone whose opinion on Star Trek I should take seriously?

It’s Star Trek, nobody should be taking anyone’s opinion seriously, nerds!

Why not? A lot of people think Next Generation is tedious.

Who are they? I will fight them.

yes, that was me pointing that out.

Okay, so why bitch about the tone of this trailer? It seems to be following right in line with the new Trek tone.

I think Next Generation is tedious and way too technobabbly. Pretty sure Brian Rubin already threatened to kick my ass over that, so just get in line.

I was pointing out the flaws in that sad man’s rationalization. A fan can be sad about the direction the series has taken, and they should have accepted it by now, but making up poor justifications to coerce other fans get over their anger makes me angry. Anyway.


Not a great trailer.


They need to just do a spin-off a series with Karl Urban as McCoy. Maybe a backwoods doctor on some frontier planet, rolling his eyes and grumbling a bunch.

And to be fair, Star Trek pretty much always loses on the “epic space battles” front.

The battles were almost always 1v1 or 1v2 affairs. A battle of individual captains and crews, pitting their wits against each other. It was always a personal duel between rivals.

Star Wars was always about fleet actions, hundreds of ships, fighters, Death Stars. Thousands and thousands of nameless pilots and crews die without you ever even knowing the names of their ships, much less the men on them.

That said, the Star Trek battles were usually more engaging in a lot of ways. Partly because of the duel nature and the fact that they tended to be rare occurrences.

I love me the Battle of Endor, and all of it’s glory, but I think Kirk vs Khan or Kirk vs Chang are tenser experiences.

After watching this trailer, I think I should just binge watch TNG.

Holy crap that looks terrible. I mean the last two were somewhat entertaining and the last one had a bit of a mystery/reveal but this one just looks stupid as hell. It looks like Fast and Furious Trek directed by an ADHD kid.

At least it’s not a rehash of a previous (better) Trek movie. Maybe. Hopefully.

I was encouraged with Simon Pegg, who’s an admitted Trek geek, working on the screenplay, but it looks like the studio has some Guardians of the Galaxy envy.

Had to go watch the original Trailer for Star Trek 2009 to cleanse my palette.

Yeah, I rewatched that ST 2009 trailer a badzillion times, even after I saw the movie. Just insanely good for getting a fan pumped. Even the ST:ID trailers gave the viewer a good sense of the characters and story. This one was an incoherent mess that didn’t give me any idea of what it was about other than a bunch of stuff happens, somewhere, with new worlds or something.

My fandom is pretty bullet-proof when it comes to ST, so I’m not worried, but I’m not caring for this trailer at all.