Star Trek Online - QtTHREEEEE IIIINNN SPAAAAAACE! (launch/roll call/gameplay thread)

Signing in! I’m @BenSones. Haven’t decided on a character name yet. Perhaps Captain Yenta of the USS Tapir.

And here I though you were a roleplayer Ben. I weep. Quietly. :)

I’m in too, I’ll most likely be Garin@garin_

I was an Engineer in the beta, but I think I might go Tactical. That melee kit appeals to me.

Are some of you about to sign on? I’m stuck on a project until later this afternoon. I hate not being there for all the launch fun. You know… the servers lagging, the restarts, the glitches, etc. Enjoy!

Servers are up now, BTW.

Looks like they’re having issues. Website and launcher are down.

It’s not technically supposed to be up for another six minutes. 10am Pacific is the launch time, yes?

Guess I got lucky. I’m in character creation.

STO forums are all down, the main page says servers are down for maintenance. Trying to launch the Steam client just gives me a blank white launcher window with a few scraps of code. Not an auspicious beginning - I’m glad I didn’t spring for the annual subscription quite yet.

Edit: now the launcher’s working, slowly. Timed out at Character Server screen on my first try, now it’s taking its sweet slow time “Retrieving list of character…” Hopefully I’ll be in the character creator sometime this century.

In contrast, mine is working just fine (also using Steam). :D

I got the white launcher window for a nanosecond, and then everything was fine.

Well, mostly. I’m stuck at something I haven’t seen in a while: “Retrieving Character List”

I got in no problem right at 10am. However, I’ve been up most of the night working. So I’m now off to bed no STO for me.

It did that for me, too–it’s updating the launcher. Leave it be for a few minutes, and you should be good.

Awesome. In character creator now, making Desmo Sangiovese look amazing. My global handle is @rakiyama.

Man, it’s taking a very long time indeed to load the tutorial mission.

preorderd off steam, only got the beta in my list, and the key given isn’t associated with any product…


I spoke too soon. All of the trait selection buttons were corrupted in the character creator. This launch is a cluster.

This is what you need to do to fix that:

Register with cryptic, login, and THEN give them your key. I ran into the same problem when I tried using that link in Steam without registering.

Aye been loading 10+ mins for me. Think something crashed!

Yeah, I was eventually kicked back to login.

Yeah, it’s slow right now. Everyone is hammering the login server all at once, of course. I’ll wait a little longer than launch+12 minutes before I declare it a clusterfuck, though. ;)