Star Wars: Clone Wars

Watched it all, it gets MARGINALLY better imho but stays aimed at the younger audience; obvious plot points, characters only rebellious 8 year-olds could relate to, etc… There are some good things in it so not a total waste, but there’s so much else out there to watch. On the other hand, Rebels becomes QUITE good and I’d recommend it for any Star Wars fan who enjoyed Clone Wars; it carries a different tone at times, but has some really good story-telling.

This seems like a good place to mention the Bad Batch one off

For the more spoiler averse, maybe skip as it hints the overall story arc

Absolutely loving A More Civilized Age: A Clone Wars Podcast by Rob Zacny, Austin Walker, Natalie Watson, and Ali West.

Two episodes out so far on the first two prequel movies, then they’ll dive into the show. Can’t recommend this enough.

Season 7 so far has been great, I am 3 episodes in, its crazy that we got another season after 6 years.

After this do I watch Rebels or Resistance or The Mandalorian? I haven’t been keeping up with what is the proper show watching order. :P


This just came up in my feed. Today.

Holy crap, episode 5 , Ashoka! Level 1313!

I concur with the esteemed gentlemen @garin and @legowarrior

And I would suggest you could skip Resistance. It was alright, but definitely much weaker than Clone Wars and Rebels. And you really won’t miss anything skippingit.

Clone Wars season 7 was amazing, onward to Rebels! Then finally The Mandalorian.

This is the way (you should do it)

I’ve spent my TV time the last few weeks running through all of Clone Wars on Disney+. A lot of it was the standard shoot-many-lasers and cross-laser-swords Star Wars formula, which I totally expected but was still largely underwhelmed. There are a few great scenes, certainly, but mostly it’s pretty generic space-or-planet battle stuff. I spent a lot of time with it just kinda in the background while I played games when that was the focus.

But when they did character development, the series was great. There was too much time spent on Anakin and Padme…you can’t develop those characters very much, as they’re already set by the movies. But the clones and Ahsoka, the other Jedi, various side characters like the Mandalorians…series did an excellent job building many of them up. The two wrap-ups for Ahsoka’s story (end of season 5, and series finale) were both great, despite not being quite as final as they could have been.

Have you watched Rebels yet?

If not, get on that.

I’m going to disagree some here. Yes their final destination is fixed, but the movies did an absolute shit job at building to that other than by writer fiat. Here they give the relationship room to breathe. Yes, you know where it ends, but they did a good job making Anakins fall more believable. I especially like how they contrast their relationship with the one between Obi Wan and Duchess Satine. Kind of a road not taken view.

The show also gives some plausibility to the turning of the Republic, and develops the Jedi code’s role in their fall. The gradual folding in of iconography and color reminiscent especially of Mussolini’s Italy. They took their time, and by the time the final seasons roll around, especially during the Ahsoka chase scene in season 5, it works. And Anakin’s growing distrust of the Jedi order is built out, and you can see how his relationship with Padme was used as the wedge.

I finally finished Clone Wars. Those last four episodes might’ve been the best Star Wars that ever Sta Warsed. Holy fuck I was out of breath by the end of it.

What’s always struck me about Clone Wars is how it seemed to start out as one show—a nice yet somewhat tired formula—but evolved into something entirely different and absolutely amazing. Rebels also had a shift, yet either I was anticipating it or it wasn’t quite as dramatic; that also wound up being fantastic.

Yeah, agreed. I also loved the 4 episode arc set on Umbara in season 4. What absolutely beautiful visuals and a great “war movie”.

I’ll have to revisit that one!

8 posts were split to a new topic: Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Clones gone wild

Well, it took me a few months, but I finally finished the episodes where Savaaj brings back his brother. It’s just so bad. I see Lucas fingerprints all over this. And then I started Season 5, and ugh, it’s more Savaaj and Maul. God, I hate this part of the story so much. The only thing that I liked about the Season 4 finale was the fact that Obi Wan got to team up with an unexpected character, but even that dialog was so clunky.

It’s episodes like these where I shake my head and think, why am I even watching this silly show? There’s a million better things to watch. I just hope it gets better again soon. More Cad Bane, more Ashoka Tano, and more mirror universe Anakin please.