Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - EA, Respawn

I’m imagining Jedi Subnautica, just with less, you know, water.

See, now that I could dig.

Well you’d probably have to, because I’d imagine a lot of valuable resources are underground.

Can the lightsaber cook a fish?

It can! Remember in Phantom Menace when Qui-Gon stuck his lightsaber in the thick door in the trade ship? And after a few seconds, the door started to get red hot and pieces started melting off? How cool was that? So cool, I hear you saying. I know it.

So cool.

Maybe the Droid is named BT?

Jedi Royale

One notch towards interest.

I thought it’s been well established that microtransactions aren’t really up to the devs, it’s when the suits come in at the end and demand they be put in.

Vince Zampella confirmed no multiplayer and no MTX on the Celebration livestream.

They’re really going all in on this - impressive!

What is this I’m feeling? Might it be optimism? It seems so alien, almost an unfamiliar presence - a presence I’ve not felt since …

Gameplay reveal in 15 mins (1:30 eastern):

That was compelling. I’m thinking this will be a purchase.

Gameplay please? Stupid cinematic trailers.

Any trailer that says “Not Actual Gameplay” (for another recent example, see Vampire the Masquerade II) can fuck right off.

So, meh for now.

Here’s the trailer for anyone that doesn’t want to dig through the Twitch stream.