Stardew Valley - Indie Farm Game

Not a lot of hand-holding and with the exception of a few early scripted events, you can spend your free time any way you like (farming, foraging, socializing, fishing, mining, etc). You’ll be barred from certain areas, of course, until you “unlock” them but there’s plenty of places to explore from the get-go.

This looks terrible on my 2560x1600 30" Dell! Like, I literally can’t figure out what stuff is because pixels are the size of barn walls (exxageration). I really can’t make out any detail at all. I tried 1920x1200, ans even lower but it was still just unplayable. I so hope someone has some tricks for me!

Oh boy, this game is dangerous. The “one more turn” thing is strong with this one.

Is there some way I can make a window larger than postage stamp to play on that will possibly make the graphics workable for my eyes? First time I’ve ever complained about stuff being too big on my screen. Also I’m not good with oldie pixel graphics. They sometimes make my head hurt like those old picture you had to cross your eyes and squint to make out what was hidden in it.

Thanks Guildboss and Nephrinn. It seems well-designed but there is little hand holding as you’ve said. Will keep at it and see where else it takes me.

It’s definitely sucked up the bulk of my night, and I keep wanting to get to the other side of things that are blocked off. This reminds me a lot of the original Harvest Moon (SNES) with some of the better features from games in the later series. I find it less annoying when it comes to controls than Story of Seasons (3DS) but not as good as these games were on Wii (control wise).

Broke down and picked it up before bed last night, can’t wait to get home and dive in! I’ve always loved the Rune Factory games and kept meaning to pick up some of the Harvest Moon ones for my 3DS, but this looks like it will scratch that itch just fine.

I have no idea. I’m playing in my plain 29" 1920x1080 monitor and it looks and plays fine to me, but graphics are rarely a problem for me. Have you tried asking in the official forums or something? I hear the dev listens to community feedback pretty closely.

Check out the Steam forums for the game jpinard. There is a bug where you are zoomed in and have to change some video card settings.

Oh man, I haven’t harvested any moons or manufactured any runes in long enough that this is totally what I want. Played a couple hours last night, and absolutely adored my time with it. This is a good’un.

Great soundtrack too!

I like how it does a lot of ease of use updates that make things a bit easier than some of the older harvest moon games, but still feels a bit restricted. Part of the joy of games like this is feeling like everything is locked off/closed up at the beginning. As you play more and more, the game opens up to such a large degree that you feel really invested in things because you started so small, and you have had a personal hand in restoring the town, or building up your empire.

I played a ton of story of seasons, but I honestly think that this is a better game… so far. Story of Seasons probably has just too much going on, and too many systems to keep track of. This seems a bit simpler, but not too simple.

Yeah, the audio in general is fantastic. I really like tunes that play in Fall and Winter.

I’m halfway through Spring of year two now after playing a ridiculous amount since release. This might be my favorite HM type game since the SNES.

I bought it for my twin. She’s waffling and at this price… I know she’ll love it. It’s just a good game to unwind to.

Saw today on twitter that the dev is working on a ZOOM feature… not sure if that will help you or not.

How is the dungeon crawling / combat side of things? I never got into the classic Harvest Moon games, but enjoyed the way that both sides of Rune Factory fed into each other.

Zoom? That sounds like it would make things worse. The problem is scaling. With pixel art you need to have the pixels be a certain size vs. resolution vs. screen size so the eyes can take an abstract form to create a recognizable image. So we need the opposite of zoom, like satellite view.

It looks gorgeous at 1080p on my computer.

Ok, just picked it up. The only thing a newbie needs to know with keyboard controls:

X is to use items (such as doors and chests) and C is to activate the item.

You can use number or mousewheel to switch items.

E activates menu.

Yeah, this game does very little hand holding. Finding all of those villagers took forever.

Just thought of this… maybe its a “zoom out” option he’s working on? That would be a fantastic fix then!