Starfield by Bethesda -- PC and Xbox exclusive -- 09/06/23

OK dudes, I did your job for you. Go to town -

I made a thread for historical RPGs so you guys can talk about whatever those are in here - Games - Quarter To Three Forums

Wouldn’t it make more sense to talk about Starfield in that thread?


Well my thread got locked for some reason, so I guess this is the place for historical RPG discussion after all. Yay.



Ha! Probably not…

the eyes

Oh. It’s been a long time since I played so getting that mixed up. Definitely the factions, though, right? Or am I misremembering that, too?

Yep, you can only align with one of the three houses in a playthrough.

From what I heard of Mount and Blade, afaik it takes place in fictional setting? But more importantly it is a sandbox with very little handcrafted narrative, so not really for me. Maybe some mods exist that would make it worth playing for me though, no idea.

I finished Greedfall. It is inspired by age of colonization, but it is pure fantasy through and through. Good game (7/10), with some big flaws but still overall enjoyable.

Darklands is set in The Holy Roman Empire (mostly Germany with “accurate” geography) during the 15th century, but yeah, it is old as sin.

What is there to talk about Starfield? Any news? There will be 1,000 endings. Mango economy. You and five hundred of your closest online friends can pilot a starship. Got it. Thanks Todd.

Plus it has fantasy elements in it :)
But I would love to see modern AAA 3D Darklads game.

This sounds like a sound byte perfectly crafted (unintentionally) to be thrown back in Todd/Bethesda’s face as a rallying cry during some future “controversy” that’s four parts outrageously entitled gamer culture, one part development failure.

I remember when he said a voiced PC in Fallout 4 wouldn’t limit dialogue options and that the gender of your character would be important. Since then I’ve taken Todd Howard quotes with a giant grain of salt.

Owlcat would have shipped it. 😊