Starfield by Bethesda -- PC and Xbox exclusive -- 09/06/23

I will just say that as Bethesda has made three of my favorite videogames (Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim) I am optimistic for this. But if it in fact is teh suxxor, luckily there are lots more games to play.

Look, if you’re going to pitch me a spaceship game with just concept art, you should at least have the raw confidence to try to pre-sell those spaceships for thousands of real dollars.

This is my thinking as well - Although, I don’t see any reason to assign malice to lack of gameplay.

I trust that the company that indeed brought us Skyrim and countless other great games, can do this just fine.

Sure - but lack of gameplay videos doesn’t mean anything nefarious is going on. Especially if plenty of other games come up, then, why not just wait and see?

Personally, I enjoyed the video presentation. Its nice to see some talk about decisions and thought process. Gameplay videos will come soon enough, and will be what it is, no matter what this video shows.

Why do people always say that?

One of the best things about TES and Fallout 3/4 is that they aren’t Dark Souls or Elden Ring. They are some of the only games left where you can explore a big sandbox RPG without having to master timing, memorize patterns, or otherwise become physically proficient at the game.

Agreed! I don’t need fancy combat in my bethesda games - I just need massive, interesting worlds to explore, and tons of options on how to do it!

Thirded! I would be really disappointed if Bethesda games were to move away from that accessible combat that lets me focus on the sandbox. I enjoy the combat in Fallout 4 and Skyrim. The last thing I would want is fancy real time combat with combos and patterns. I like the focus on the RPG and stats rather than my own skill (or lack thereof).

To clarify my stance, I never thought (or ever said) anything nefarious was going on. I just don’t give a shit about whatever that video they put out is - I wan to see what the game looks like before I start to give it any thought or hype. I am just waiting and seeing, and I’m keeping an open mind and am optimistic this will be something I can get excited for.

EDIT: hell I put Starfield at the top of my tier 2 list.

Its probably a cultural thing then - because when I see something like this (Not to single you out, its just because its you I am talking to currently )

I assume some sort of anger of negativity. Its not the first time I comment on this sort of negativty here on these boards, so it probably is something cultural.

No, it speaks to my frustration with trailers that are just cutscenes or simulated gameplay using renders.

I don’t care about watching a cut scene unless I’m playing the game - if you want to market a video game to me, show me what the game plays like.

But with Starfield I don’t even have a sense of what it might look like. Is it third person? First? Party based? I think all I have seen so far is concept art leaked screens from ages ago. So giving me what amounts to a verbal preview doesn’t do anything for me. YMMV of course.

It’s an interesting question, this thing about trailers. With TV/streaming shows, for instance, my wife absolutely hates knowing anything about a show other than the bare minimum to decide if it’s worth a look. Trailers that show actual scenes (and this applies to “coming up next” type things for shows you are already watching) bug her to no end. Me, I like trailers that show actual scenes, but I don’t like the coming up next stuff.

For games, I’m torn. If it’s a game I have no clue about, gameplay is very useful. For a game that slots into an already familiar category like a Bethesda game or a Far Cry game, eh, I don’t care that much unless there are really wild digressions from the established norms of the genre. I can see both sides, though. Unlike with politics, I really do think both views on this issue are valid.

I just don’t watch TV and movie trailers at all. But for games, I’m very much a gameplay or GTFO person. The ideal game trailer for me is 30 minutes of unedited gameplay, and the further away from that a trailer is the less I care about it.

Equally , I’m not too fussed about Starfield not showing anything yet, because realistically it’s going to be a Bethesda RPG in space. I don’t need to know anything more than that until release and we find out if it’s a good one of those or a bad one.

You are not alone. I think this kind of video pow-wow between the devs flys better when the game is much further out. Here we have multiple people in this thread asking the same question: where is the gameplay?

I think they need to find a happy medium. Combat in Bethesda games needs to have better feedback. I don’t need Elden Ring combat of tough combos. Bethesda game combat has always felt “soft”.

I’m concerned that Elden Ring’s popularity will lead to more soulslike combat in all sorts of games, which would preclude me from buying and playing them. Given Bethesda’s relentless drive towards accessibility, something I usually castigate them for, I can’t imagine they’d fall prey to that though.

What they need to take from Elden Ring is the open world design, not the mechanics.

Thanks, I was gonna say something similar but decided not to.

I guess what I like about ES combat despite its awkwardness is that you are just in the world doing stuff; it is contiguous with everything else. You aren’t suddenly in Action Combat Mode with dodge rolls and combos and such.

Arkham and Souls etc. developed videogame melee in a really cool way but if I were to try to improve ES’s admittedly clumsy combat I would look elsewhere for inspiration.

DERPSPACE I sure will be setting the standard for all space games for decades once released.

Not having played Elden Ring, I’m curious about this statement. Bethesda’s games are famous and renowned for their open worlds, right? I mean, that’s entirely what’s great about them. Are you saying that you feel like they haven’t succeeded in that area in the past? Or does Elden Ring bring something new to the table that leapfrogged them in some sense?

Same here - this is probably the wrong thread, but what does Elden Ring’s world do that hasn’t been done before?

I’ll take a go at this.

Superior combat aside, Elden Ring does not signpost you to anything, yet there are are things tucked away everywhere. Not just the 9th candle stick or 50th cheese wheel, but unique equipment, spells, and items that you can actually use and be excited to find.

There’s far too much direction and far too much window dressing horseshit in your average Bethesda game.

My favorite quest in Oblivion was one up north that was completely hidden involving some notes in a series of chests.