Steam Stuff - What Has the Digital Distribution Giant Done Lately?

👍👎 66% Match

You read the article right? They’re using algorithms, that’s why all reviews during a period will be removed, not just the ones that violate their new policy. It’s in the FAQ. They see a spike, remove it all, no human.

Their current review system is mostly fine. Lots of games break mods, but not all of them get reviewed poorly for it… wonder what the difference is.



Oh god I miss this show so much. :)

I know. And only 12 episodes. OTOH each one is a classic. Cleese was correct in shutting it down before it got stale. But still, one more season? Six more episodes? How bad could it get? We’ll never know.

Do you like Are You Being Served?

Yeah its amazing how he was done and moved on. Stunning.

Do I like Are you being Served? Oh god yes.



Served is on here every Saturday evening. I’m recording all of the shows.

Man, my brain does strange things when I’m not paying attention to it. I of course meant Steam.

You read his comment, right?

Ps does Discourse flag this off-topic gif bombing? 😉

I am just giggling imagining some neural network somewhere using this thread as learning data.

What will we have created? :)

Blackadder is the best. I also miss Rik