Steam Stuff - What Has the Digital Distribution Giant Done Lately?

Half-Life 2: Lost Coast. Which is weird because I don’t know why I ever would have bought that? I certainly never played it.

Heh… Restaurant Empire II. (which wasn’t a bad game, but it’s not exactly HL2)

OK, Valve.

And if we didn’t have the world’s most mediocre QB we paid our land away – I would see you there.

I look forward to our league this year! And to watching the only team in the afc I care about…

It was a free mission released to demonstrate HDR in source engine, and it was a great mission to boot, amazing graphics for its day.

World of Goo. I might even give it a spin to check out the remastering that just came out.

I just got The Orange Box like many others (though they disqualified Half-Life 2 since I apparently used that for a previous event).

I sorta wish that the Steam tell me what to play from my backlog suggestions were an all the time thing.

Agreed, I actually kinda like this.

This sort of thing is why I liked the Treasure Hunts and other goofy sale-related activities they used to do. Get me to play stuff that’s been languishing in my backlog.

I could do without the “play the ancient Valve multiplayer games you inherited with Half-Life 2” task though. At least step a little further into my purchase/registration history, please.

I just left a comment on the news page for the event. I hope they read them because other folks seem to feel the same way.

Red Orchestra for me.

I had a bunch of the stuff in the various lists on my HD until last week when I removed a ton of stuff I wasn’t playing. Now I’m just having to reinstall to get the rewards. Doh!

I booted up Star Wars Battleground 2 (the original) just for shits a giggles, and then I checked in, and got a badge. Didn’t even know what was going on.

Now, it wants to me to play Torchlight 1.

I’d be a lot more interested if the suggestions were better. Awareness of dead MP games would be good. Awareness that Steam didn’t start tracking play time until… 2011 or so would be another. There are a lot of games I’ve played extensively that Steam doesn’t remember I played at all.

Also, some of these are just incorrect. Steam thinks I haven’t played Superflight, but I played that last week.

Some of these, however, are good categories. Play something recommended by a friend, for example, is a good way to go that largely mitigates the issues above.

For anyone else who uses the classy Metro for Steam skin, there’s a new update patch as of May 17:

E3 page is up

There are too many videogames.

Not a bad thing. ;)

Here we go!

Good to see the encouragement for 4K support in the client.