Steam Stuff - What Has the Digital Distribution Giant Done Lately?

If that doesn’t work, maybe try drilling a few holes.

Racing stripes, preferably red. Red ones go fasta.

I rebooted everything a couple of weeks ago, but I’ll do it again.

You guys might’ve been right. Unplugged and restarted EVERYTHING, and now it’s a bit better. It’s fluctuating between this and 0, but it’s better than it was.

Valve remarking on ‘Positive’ Review Bombs (i.e. AssCreed Unity)

Partial excerpt:

Data-wise, it doesn’t quite fit the pattern of negative review bombs: in the case of AC:Unity there was a significant increase in actual players alongside the increase in reviews. That isn’t necessarily the case with a typical off-topic review bomb (but, to be clear, we have seen some negative review bombs with that characteristic).

Without reading the actual reviews, the data here all looks very much like a game that’s gone on sale, or received an update. It’s seen a spike in players, and as many people have come to realize, there’s a fairly good correlation between player count and user reviews - if you get more players, you’re going to get more reviews.

But we also went and read a large chunk of the reviews. Some reference Notre Dame or the giveaway. But most just look like standard reviews of a new player, or a player that’s returning to a product they bought a while ago. Ubisoft has released significant updates to AC:Unity since launch, and it appears that some players who bounced off it at launch have returned, and found themselves enjoying the game more.

So it’s not clear it’s a review bomb. It certainly doesn’t fit our original definition in the “aimed at lowering the Review Score” section, but back in 2017 the community’s terminology around “review bombs” was also focused only on concerted negative efforts. It’d be nice to change that terminology to something that doesn’t imply positive or negative, but that’s really up to the community.

Outbursts of positivity don’t seem like a problem that needs solving to me. I suppose there’s a plausible scenario where a group of bad actors is making a coordinated effort to rate up a game that is overtly bigoted or otherwise seriously problematic, but this isn’t that.

It depends on what you think the problem is. If the problem is steam ratings being influenced by factors outside the game, so that the score is not reflective of the game’s quality, then “outbursts of positivity” are indeed a problem that needs solving, if they’re caused by extraneous factors and not improvements in the game.

I don’t really pay attention to Steam reviews so I don’t care one way or the other, but for people who do it’s just as misleading as a negative bomb.

They should have a separate Approval rating to absorb internet ire.

Now that there are positive bombs maybe we could call it something else and neutral as Valve proposes, say, Review Wave


Review (glitter) bombs.

So… The Spring Cleaning Event!

What is everyone’s blast from the past game from Steam that the event recommends you replaying?

Mine was all the games from The Orange Box. :)

Also something new on the Steam Blog:

Half Life 2 and Episode 1 for me, though the Orange Box games would be my second set of purchases for the platform.

I didn’t even notice the event until I saw your post. There doesn’t seem to be any real incentive to participate.

Any of the original X-COM games, oddly enough. I might try Enforcer.

Well that was terrible.

Im surprised you’d not tried it before. Seems like the kind of thing you’d have played in ‘96 or whatever year it was.

Oh I avoided it like the plague then, but it came with a bundle on Steam so…¯_(ツ)_/¯

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. I’m probably not going to replay it for the event though.

Red Orchestra

Half-Life 2. I just checked. Oh btw Dan – I am so excited to see you! Browns may be the most watchable team next year! Too bad if they make it all the way the Vikes will beat them!

(all you gotta do is beat the Steelers)

From your lips to Goodell’s ears ;)

I think I could somehow come to grips with the Browns losing the Super Bowl this year, but ONLY to the Vikings!