STEAM - Summer Sale 2019

I mean, the game’s not clear at all, but I’m not sure I understand the particular brand of stupidity on display here. People think what, that wishlist items are being selected randomly? Valve’s never done that, every time there’s been a “win stuff from your wishlist” thing it’s been for the top few items, all anyone has ever had to do is reorder. Where did this idea that you have to clear stuff off your list even come from? Was this a problem with previous promotions of this kind too?

No idea, I’m just stating what I’m seeing folks discuss online. There are a lot of these remarks on my feed, but to be frank, it’s not something I paid attention to in the past. It may be this way every sale :)

Yeah, I just really wonder where this idea came from, and what the history of it looks like. It’s been awhile since Steam did a “win stuff on your wishlist” game and I wonder if this is maybe why?

They each have their pluses. EL has some interesting factions and mechanics. Gladius is a more challenging game due to some better AI. While the Gladius factions seem varied (I’ve only played a couple), they don’t seem as varied as EL. I don’t know how challenging the AI can be in EL if you crank up the difficulty. I think I played on one or two above ‘normal’.

I think the main issue is there’s no “game” reason to go through a queue, and that’s where I normally get wish list bloat from during sales.

It’s very good, and the 3rd part of the main story (redux) version should be out this year.

Both are great, fyi Gladius is only WAR no diplomacy.

This is something of an apples and potatoes comparison - aside from being turn based games they don’t have a lot in common. EL is a 4X with (largely uncontrollable) combat on a separate map. It prides itself on its writing (which, honestly, didn’t do much for me) and its empire building.

Gladius is almost a turn based RTS, in that it’s extremely combat focused. The sides are extremely asymmetric (which I think is great) and the whole thing plays fast and tight by 4X standards.

Personally, I much prefer Gladius, though EL has a significant following. They’re two very different games, though. Also, since you brought up EL, have you looked at Age of Wonders 3? For my money, it’s the better fantasy 4X from that year.

So it looks like the promotion I was referring to was back in 2011 (geez how time flies!). You could win the top ten games in your wishlist. I whittled my wishlist down to exactly the ten games I wanted.


I mean, I remember that, and it was very clear that it was the top 10 games on your wishlist. I reorganized mine a bit, but it would never have crossed my mind to delete anything. Was there some idea going around that it was actually random or something?

I am sad only 1 other friend has this wishlisted. :(

The last time I remember Steam doing a “win stuff on your wishlist” was the first time I actually put stuff into the wishlist. I never used it before that. And I don’t remember them giving away wishlisted games again after that until now.

I don’t recall being able to re-order your wishlist back then so the whole thing was a bit confusing to me. Anyway, I don’t think I had many games in my wishlist to begin with back then, so cutting it down to ten took me maybe a few seconds at most.

I use my wishlist as a reminder of early access games I will forget about

so I won’t be deleting any…and morons who do don’t realize winning a free game has very bad odds anyway…its fun to con the masses…trump does it everyday

Ah, that would help explain it. Yes, you definitely could reorder your wishlist back then, but you had to hit “save” at the bottom after doing it or it didn’t stick. I could see that bit of bad UI design confusing people.

I have AOWIII so looks like Gladius should be the pick.

Basic Gladius worth it or any of the add-ons must have. Thanks much everyone for response/time.

Endless Legend is a 4x focusing on very different faction mechanics. It is a Civilization-like game. Combat is part of the game.

Warhammer Gladdius is an RTS game played in turns in the 40k universe. It’s is closer to warlock or Panzer General than Civilization. It is a war game focused on combat, tech, resources, and area control. The factions are also really unique.

I have both and vastly prefer Gladdius. I have played about 100 hours of single player and teamed co-op with a friend. My biggest reservation with Gladdius is the AI. It was bad at release. Incredibly good when a modder stepped in up until the Tyranid DLC. Post DLC the AI went to good/bad (it is unpredictably either now). The AI is supposedly getting overhauled at the release of the next DLC, Chaos, which soon. Still, even at “bad” AI, it is much better than other games. The atrocious AI of Civilization, or Endless Legends, comes to mind.

The base game is solid. The reinforcement pack adds a unit per faction, it’s worth getting if it’s cheap. The tyranids DLC adds an entire new faction with its own mechanics (because again, super asymmetric). It’s definitely worth picking up if you like the game, but not needed immediately.

Honestly, I’d just get the base game and see if you like it. If so, the DLC is definitely worth your while, but it’s not necessary to get the “full” experience IMO.

I consider all Gladius DLC must have. That said, I agree with Vinrath. Start with the core game to see if you like it.

Note: the tutorial of Gladius is a standard game just with tool tips. It is a random map with everything live. You start in the deep end of the pool in Gladius.

So I haven’t bought anything on Steam this sale, but shopping around on Steam has led me to buying Ghost of a Tale on nuuvem for $5 and Katamari Damaci Reroll for $12. Thanks,!

I deleted my entire wishlist. Did I win today’s minigame?

Tortoise Power!