Steam Summer Sale 2020

Final sale tally, for a grand total of $32.54 w/ tax.


I was waffling on HL: Alyx but decided that it can wait until next sale - and being a Valve title I’m confident it’s only going to continue dropping in price.

Safe to assume anyone that doesn’t already own Alyx either doesn’t have a VR headset or truly does not care.

Guilty on both counts, your honor.

Yeah, pretty much. I mean, VR would be nice but I’m waiting till it (if ever) becomes more of a commodity.

My damage:

  • Cyberpunk 2077 pre-order (not on sale but got the discount at least)
  • Tomb Kings DLC for Warhammer 2


Its klei and they’re trying something new here…my $12 will help them


I saw a video of a developer playing this game…I was so impressed with him, I bought his game

Crusader Kings 3

I hate paradox…I loathe paradox…I hope they go down in a flame of burning poop…having said that, I would pay $500 for the perfect game…this is their last hope for salvation imho…if this thing crashes and burns, they’ll go out of business…lots of pressure for them to get THIS ONE right and they know it

$73.72 out the door…should keep me busy till xmas

I spent $21 on Dark Souls III for my son but nothing for me. I am completely at the whims of the Humble Monthly for new Steam games now. There’s no reason I should spend more money on games I never find time to play anyway.

Went back just before the sale was over for TransOcean 2, Transport Fever 2, and Cities Skylines: Natural Disasters. I was thinking about Dawn of Man, but I’m going to save that for later as I have enough management games for now.

You know it’s going to be on Gamepass, right?

forever? I thought developers could pull games off of gamepass whenever they wanted

I doubt it’s literally whenever they want, but, sure, it’s probably not going to be there forever. But you can try it, and if it does disappear, you can buy it at a discount. Seems to make more sense than to pay full whack ahead of release for a game you yourself seem to lack confidence in.

FWIW, every other Paradox game that’s been on Gamepass I can think of, and there are a lot of them, is still up there.

How does Gamepass handle the DLC?

They don’t. The first hit is always free. You want more you gotta pay up.

That’s hilarious. So it’s not really on Gamepass, it’s more like a paid demo.

I wonder, does their “DLC subscription” thing work with the Gamepass version?

Well sorta. They give away base games but never DLC. 6 months is the min, iirc.

This is true for first party stuff as well, though they are up on there forever at least.

Yeah, if you tend to buy DLC on Steam sales, it can make sense to avoid Gamepass for that reason. But if you want to play them at release, or you’re willing to buy a season pass, then it works out much the same

I’m not sure on third party season pass but I did just buy the one for Minecraft Dungeons on deep discount and it works fine as long as I keep my sub going.

Yeah, I don’t generally do season passes at launch myself, but Gamepass supports that if you’re willing to take a punt on whether the content is any good.

I got, let’s see uh, Deep Rock Galactic, Sekiro and Sea Dogs: To Each His Own. Even if I never play more than an hour of the last one, I will be forever indebted to it for introducing me to the line, “Religion fanatics? What a bullshit!”

Big goose egg here. Refunded Doom, then had Infra, Outer Wilds and Total Warhammer 2 in the cart, but didn’t go ahead. Need to do some stuff other than play videogames. Maybe :)