Steam Summer Sale 2020

My damage

Dooooo iiiit

I realized why your repetition bothers me: Pontypool changes everything.

Space Run Galaxy
Terminator Resistance

and because it came to just a few pennies below 30 quid I added Yakuza 0 to get the 5 quid discount.

I’ve been waiting for this to go on sale for several months, but I’m torn on getting t his on Steam, or Xbox where I’d prefer to play it (and where it never seems to go on sale at all).

But even though I’m not the die-hardiest terminator fan, I’ve heard good things about this game.

Yeah normally I dont buy anything unless its over 50% and under £20 but made an exception for this one.

All games at least 70% off and an 80% user rating. Skip a cappuccino and grab some:

Civ VI felt like ‘more Civ V’ to me and I got bored of it quickly (I quite enjoyed Civ V).

Rimworld is great. If you find the idea of it interesting I’m sure you’ll get a lot of hours out of it.

how dare steam offer a $5 coupon to try to steal market share from epic!!! compete on features!!!

Don’t forget their exclusives, like Civilization 6!

God, what is it with exclusives!

If you are like me and can play the early game until you have a solid lead, and then just declare victory and start over, it’s a game that has a lot going for it.

If you have a drive to completion and feel you must see the victory screen, you are paying good money for hours of tedious work.

(I guess that the other thing is that the more you expect a wargame, the less satisfied you will be.)

Well, Afghanistan '11 is 67% off.
Sunless Skies is 60% off.
Mutazione is 25% off.

Decisions, decisions.

Thinking of picking up Deep Rock Galactic. Not sure why I didn’t long ago. I played a beta forever ago and it was already great fun.

Civ6 is very meh.

Rimworld, on the other hand, is a masterpiece

The games tempting me:
Half Life: Alyx
Until You Fall
AO Tennis 2

Or I could buy nothing and instead save the $8 AUD on a cyberpunk preorder!

Our tastes pretty much align, and I can tell you that Afghanistan '11 is an awesome game.

Grab it.

I haven’t seen what others replied yet and I’m guessing I’ll be in the minority…

I’m guessing you know that the games aren’t similar. I tried Rimworld and didn’t see the appeal much. If you are someone who likes just seeing how your colony members with their idiosyncrasies interact and aren’t looking for a straight strategy game you may like it more than me.Even though Civ VI isn’t great, I still had some fun with it. It could benefit from some planning tools, because I can’t keep the info in my head about what districts need what terrain, etc…

Hmm. Interesting. You can spend bonussteambucks to get untradable versions of the random junk (emoticons, profile backgrounds) that Steam Trading cards gave you.

While most of the junk went for the minimum $0.03, some went for more, and this probably crashes the market for some of the expensive ones. I know :weed: among other emoticons did go for actual money in the past, though I see that it was trading at ~$4 in the past year (down from its early heyday of $30 years ago). Looks like its crashed to $1, which is the approximate price it would cost in bonussteambucks.

Picked up Unity of Command 2.

Errr, that’s looks about it. Most of my wishlist are early access that I keep there so I get a notification when they hit 1.0.

That’ll do.