Steam Summer Sale 2021

Although, CoE 5 will be out in a few weeks.

The person that made FFH is/was(?) at Stardock so maybe check out Sorcerer King or Fallen Enchantress?

But your best bet I think will be Total Warhammer II or Endless Legends.

Weeks!? Oh man, that’s exciting. I like those games but some of the missing QoL features kind of drive me away sooner than I’d care to admit (stuff like deer taking over cities; I believe that was fixed but the damage was done to my psyche). I hope I can get back in after such a long hiatus and really dig in this time. In some ways the more 4X nature of the game appeals to me more than the war-gaming nature of Dominions 5 (though I do really love what Dom does as well).

Well, that is what one beta tester has been saying.

I really don’t pay much attention to CoE. For some reason, it didn’t click with me.

An interesting option that I hadn’t considered. Actually Dominions 4 and 5 sort of scratch the itch in single player but not quite. At one point I thought Deity Empires might fit the bill but look at it’s Steam page doesn’t inspire me.

I keep trying to give Diety Empires a solid try and I keep bouncing off. I have no idea why, but I suspect it’s the visuals - the art style is off putting to me, even when I used a mod to include nicer looking models. Visual really matter to me - that’s maybe kind of shitty, but it is what it is. If your game looks like dog shit, no matter how good it is, I’m probably not going to enjoy it.

I’m fairly new here, so no, I don’t think I know what you mean!

You’re looking for Age of Wonders 3 (fantasy) or Planetfall (scifi).

Perhaps I should have said that I hate Warhammer. Mostly because of 40k but still.

Fallen Enchantress, Endless Legends, and Age of Wonders III are all games I have and have looked at reinstalling. In fact they (along with Dominions) are why I put bonus points for SF or Asian settings as part of the problem is that I go to think about another fantasy 4x and I get preemptively bored.

@vinraith is probably right and I should just jump on AoW Planetfall and me done with searching.

I am torn since I am in the market for a computer game similar the old 6th Fleet series. However, I don’t know I have the energy to dig into a complicated game right now.

Definitely worth looking at AoW: Planetfall then.

Playing Dominions SP is like reading an RPG World Setting Books. Just full of cool things, net toys, lore and stats. And you can try them all out.

But, like an RPG World Setting Book, the fun really gets going when you play with other people and put into motion the different builds and options against a rear opponent (other players, instead of the DM though).

As @Strato mentioned, the asynchronous nature of MP makes it relatively easy to handle different time zones and schedules.

I don’t know if you can find it, but Civilization 2 had a mod called Midgard that is interesting. It came bundled with one of those later additions.

It seems to fit your criteria quite well, for what it’s worth.

Sometimes there is just something missing. Like, I loved Fantasy General, and Advanced Wars, but for some reason, Elven Legacy didn’t fit right. And I think people agreed with me on.

Sometimes, there is just something missing but you don’t know what it is, or why it is that way.

I still am not 100% why Elves Legacy failed for me, but Rites of War suceeded.

I like the comparison!

Dom 5 MP is fun but I don’t have the gaming stamina. Every time I’ve tried we get to the mid point of the game and either I start rushing my turns in an attempt to keep on a reasonable schedule. It doesn’t help that I am not competitive by nature so even in MP I have a tendency to fall back on sub-optimal tactics that are cool or flavorful.

Scheduled MP always starts to feel like work to me at some point, no matter how much I like the game. It’s a real shame, I love the idea in principle.

So anyone here recommend Ashen?

I mildly recommend it. It has no textures, and it can behave jankily if you accidentally die early in the game before they setup how death is handled. But otherwise, it’s sort of a Souls-like. I had an okay time with it for a few hours, but then got bored and moved onto something else. And then it got taken off Game Pass. I suppose if I owned it, I might have gone back to it.

Deity Empires is completely impenetrable unless you’re willing to put in hours of video watching, which I manifestly am not. In a space (indie wargaming/4x) stuffed to gills with bad UI, the UI is stand out awful. I could not figure out how to do the most basic things or get the most basic info, and the game itself teaches nothing. Wish I could get my money back.

For those who are willing to put in the hours of video watching it’s supposedly a nice MoM clone, although with CoMW I feel no need for clones, now.