Steam summer sale has started

Also good for the wishlist are : Saints Row 3, Tropico 4, Red Orchestra 2, Jurassic Park

Chrome, seriously?

Ouch. You must really have a problem. :D

I’m clean so far. Of course, the flipside is that I must have bought everything I wanted the first time around. Sadness!

IT was a few bucks and I heard it was fun. shrug


Greed: The Black Border had and may still have serious input lag issues. If you’re considering buying it, check that the problem has been fixed first. Because input lag in a Diablo clone is a pretty big deal.

Yeah, exactly my point!

… not that I picked it up at some point to see what the fuss was about.

In its defense, it was like a futuristic, mission-based Far Cry 2 waaaaaaaaaaay before Far Cry 2 came out. Horrible AI, horrible lack of polish (HAR I MAEK JOKE) and horrible “story” or whatever other word for “a thing that moves the action along but is actually terrible to behold”. But! Huge open terrain maps, various approaches, vehicles, tons of guns, and no time limit to explore it all.

A sort of futuristic Project IGI, but with worse shooter mechanics. Unfortunate.

Massive thankyou for the didimatic link!

Never played Project IGI, but wheee.

Quick, now’s your chance to buy it! :D



Don’t buy any sale items until the last day of the sale. They will stay at that price. Only buy the daily sale items.

Oohhhhhhhhhh, good call. Thanks for the tip!

Sigh. I probably shouldn’t have pulled any triggers yet either, but even if these drop in price I’m willing to chip in this much just to support the devs in question:

Oddboxx complete edition (I never finished Munch’s Oddyssee on the original Xbox): $5.09 (-66%)
Gratuitous Space Battles: $4.99 (-75%)
Children of the Nile: Enhanced Edition: $2.49 (-75%)

Once they get over 66% off or under $5, I can find little reason to resist. Even the daily sales seldom go over 75% off. (And none of these were on daily sale today…)

So far, only hopped on Hinterlands based on recommendations in the bargain thread. For $2.50, figured it was a good way to spend an evening. Have some silly fun with it so far.

Oh man. If you like “open world” (okay, IGI wasn’t open but good grief the levels were huge), at-your-own-pace, lots-of-guns shooters where each level is basically a puzzle for you to lethally disassemble … yeah, IGI was that.

No idea how it holds up, but it was fantastic at the time. Of course, everyone pretty much hated it. :)

Hope you dig Chrome! :D

Edit: Oh yeah, and to keep it topical: I just looked at the Oblivion package and … gave in. So many happy memories from that game, perhaps I’ll revisit a few with the Deeeeeeeeeeeeluxe edition!

Oh, I was hoping for a digital download version.

Oohhh, GamersGate has it, sold.

Which of these would be the best to futz around with me 3 year old, building tracks and looking at trains going round and round?

The latter.

Isn’t IGI on Gog?


Okay, just the sequel. Nevermind.