Steamy lunar sale 2020

I’ve got enough points for a $5 coupon, but I’m not exactly sure what to spend it on. Any suggestions? I could just try and find a DLC for something I have. From what I wrote below it doesn’t sound like I want them very much, but I’ve been thinking about reasons not to chose these. Things I’m considering (not in any order). Feel free to recommend something off the list too even though you don’t necessarily know what I have already.

  1. Unity of Command 2: I loved the first, but I’m inclined to wait until it is on sale more. Gotta stretch the gaming dollar.
  2. Wildermyth: I usually don’t go for early access but I occasionally make exceptions. Someone told me to wait until it is finished as while it is good, there isn’t a huge reason to play it now. I’m inclined to agree with that.
  3. Hades: Sounds pretty great, but again - early access.
  4. Supraland: I played the demo and liked it. This just feels like it is about ready to hit the Humble Choice as it has been heavily discounted lately. Also, I still need to finish Mario Super Odyssey.
  5. Through the Ages New Leaders and Wonders: I think it’s a great game even though it’s been a while since I played it. New content could be good.
  6. The Colonists: Looks pretty good as long as there is some type of challenge to it. I do have several builders in the queue to play - not sure if this is better than these: Mindustry, Frostpunk, Surviving Mars, Factorio
  7. Thea 2: The Shattering: I liked the first one enough. I’m not sure if this one sounds like an improvement or not based on what I read. I do have some 4Xs in the queue too: Deity Empires, Eador. Imperium, Alliance of the Sacred Suns

Wildermyth is okay in its current state. There’s only enough content for one playthrough before you start seeing the same events happening again. The events are based on character traits, and you cannot select your party’s traits, so you spend tons of time rerolling your character to get different traits. Which, again, you sort have to do unless you want to see the exact same thing happen over and over. The combat is good, but maybe not that deep. The magic system is unique. It’s neat though and has lots of potential, but I wish I had waited for it to leave Early Access to be honest. It reminds me a bit of For the King, except not as good yet (if ever).


So, can these free points be spent on games?

5000 points can be converted to a $5 coupon.

Okay, neat I guess.

This sale was a big dud with my friends.

I think the only people buying on my activity feed were from qt3.

I’m trying to let this be a sale where I actually realize I have plenty of things to play in my backlog, and that at worst, these things will be available for the same price again, and will actually be available for a lower price if I wait (and in the meantime, actually play the things I previously bought during sales but never played).

Yep; I basically use them for DLC, these days (I did buy ONE game, but it was $5 so I’ll give myself a pass on that one).

I finally bought HOB, cost me nothing with my 2 coupons.

HOB is perpetually fairly low on my wishlist. Too many games keep coming out that pus it down. At this point I’ll probably only get it if it’s in the Humble Monthly. Tell me how it is and if it’s good enough it can rise in the ranks :-)

Talk me into buying Three kingdoms in less that 60 minutes


I got the Kohan pack. $3 for some of the best real-time strategy games of all-time is a steal.

It was high time I finally picked up XCOM2 and since I did a good job knocking out 4 or 5 games from the backlog over the last month, I bit on the XCOM2 collection for $25. See you guys in about six months.