Stonehearth: A DF-like Town Builder

Yeah most of them, especially if you drop those two that were added after the campaign. The biggest disappointment, which does not affect me at all, is them dropping Linux. There may have been some who backed it based on that, and it was one of the earlier stretch goals.

They definitely got stretch goal creep in this one.

Did they ever add those huge titans they advertised so much at kickstarter?

Well, this did look like it could have been great, but once again a developer is just is labeling an unfinished game as finished. This is why I really try to avoid buying EA games. Perhaps they really will do a lot with the game in the next 6 months, but I doubt it. Ill be asking about this for the christmas sale, to see how the game really turned out. At that point Ill either buy it, or remove it from my wishlist and forget it ever existed.

Ahh , I figured they had added at least some of the classes.
Well thats the risk of a kickstarter. And pretty much why I only back established studios who have proven kickstarter and or previous game release success at this point. :p

I’ve got 219 hours played into it to date, so while its certainly disappointing that a bunch of stretch goals won’t be met, I can’t say I haven’t gotten my money’s worth. While it doesn’t have all the features promised, it’s still a complete game. The community may not be large enough to keep it alive long-term through mods, though.

As to what it means for my experience with kickstarting stuff, I’ll call it a qualified success. But then only other projects I’ve backed are both Divinity’s, the Order of the Stick reprint drive, and a couple Girl Genius things. I like my track record so far :D

Yeah the Divinity games are the biggest successes for me as well. Evolution may or may not make the list, but that is a much smaller project, and bringing board games to life has been largely successful for others.

I think I look at Kickstarter a little differently. I don’t see it as pre-ordering a game, I look at it as funding an attempt to make a game that no one else is doing or otherwise sounds interesting. Sometimes they flame out horribly (Godus), sometimes they are runaway successes (Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2). Other times they only partway make it (Stonehearth, by the sound of it).

I’ll try Stonehearth once it hits 1.0 and see how far they got. After 5 years or however long it’s been, I can’t say they didn’t try. And at some point, people want to move on to other projects or you’re forced to due to revenue reasons.

All kidding aside that is just bad luck. I have backed over a dozen projects and the only one that turned out even somewhat poorly was Castle Story (it is just a bad game). Much of it was pure dumb luck that I did not back Godus or Shroud of the Avatar. At the same time I have been rewarded with some outstanding games like Battletech, Pillars of Eternity and Divinity Original Sin. So I have not felt burnt by KS but I can understand why many have.

They added a Titan on the last update.

Spoilers, if you don’t want to hear about the mechanics of beating the Titan

Frankly, I am surprised they got this to the state it is in . The KS came out in that golden time when Minecraft voxel rips were king and there was an insatiable appetite for God-Sim-Dwarf-Fortress like stuff. The creators are bothers that are responsible for the Evo tourneys.

I was an original backer as well, and I was very impressed with the sell of the AI building homes and such. I thought that was quite cool. When it first came out it was obvious there was going to be an extremely long road for it to be done, and I personally thought they were going to give up. I think the efforts this past year have been to just get it to some level of delivery so they can sustain their reputation.

After reading @Nesrie’s comments about it, it seems like they got that far.

Got the email, maybe it will miss some features come december, but still a pretty good (and cheap) builder game, and the best art style in years.

What they could do, I suppose, is to put the complete code up on GitHub next year for the ‘community’ to mod it, that’d be a nice gift as they’re ready to move on.

They’re owned by Riot now, is that right? If so they might not have the option to. Would definitely be cool if they can, though.

It seemed like progress was really slow on the game for a number of years, so I’m glad that they’ve at least made decent progress this past year. Bummer that the dwarves are getting cut.

Underground settles would’ve been pretty cool, but it would require a lot more i guess, more vegetation, enemies down there, something other than seasons and weather to affect mood, dealing with opening up water… stuff the other like games dealt with.

Stupid question, but how do you rotate buildings in the build interface?

Comma and period rotates everything I think.

If you make your own building, you have to use the slicer tool to get a foundation in the ground, otherwise you’re building on top of the ground. That was a little weird initially for me.

“So one overall conclusion to all of this is that this was our first game, we were really naive and really ambitious, and as a result, the final game was flawed in proportion to our ambition.”

So naive, inexperienced game devs do naive things when developing a game. Makes sense.

I won’t be asking for a refund, but I am still disappointed.

I would be too! I followed their Kickstarter and talked myself out of backing it, but I was still thinking of grabbing it literally up to the moment of their announcement after looking at your posts about it. I pulled it up on my wishlist for this steam sale and considered getting it.

What a bummer.