Stupid shit you see on Facebook

Oh great, those dipshits live right next to me.

I belong to a closed FB group full of Bernie heads who absolutely believe that the entire US intel community is lying about the Russians hacking the DNC, that Julian Assange is the 2nd coming, blessed be his name, and that they stood their valiant, principled, wise ground when refusing to vote for that corrupt hag, Hillary, last Nov. Point out that Kennedy is rumbling about retirement, that Ginsburg is old, and that even if they actually magically got a progressive Congress and president, it would likely all be for naught for decades to come as everything passed and signed into law was challenged and struck down by a Trump-packed SCOTUS.

Do they not see that A leads directly to B?

‘Oh all is lost, the Supreme Court’


I voted for Bernie in the primary. I don’t get what this group you are describing is about? They sound more like Republicans that just didn’t like Trump?

There’s a near total breakdown of any sort of trust or belief in the system among many folks, so that traditional assessments of political alignment are pretty meaningless. The combination of mistakes and arrogance from the Demos and (more so) a consistent, prolonged, and intense campaign from the GOP to de-legitimize democratic institutions (hmm, where have we seen that before?) have resulted in a population that is pretty nihilistic when it comes to parliamentary democracy.

No, they are idiot populist idealists. They are ideological purists, who don’t really have anything beyond a childlike understanding of policy.

They supported Bernie based on his personality, and empty promises.

They are the same idiots who went into the Democratic convention thinking that somehow Bernie was going to win the nomination, because they never actually bothered to learn how anything actually works.

I’d like it if we could just acknowledge that 90%+ of Bernie supporters went on to vote for Hillary. Because that fucking tar brush has got to be just about out of tar more than 6 months after the election.

In more than a few case it’s a fine line between Bernie’s idiots and Trump’s idiots - and things worked out pretty well for the latter group.

Do you have data for this? I thought a fair amount stayed home.

Because it would be damn unprecedented for supporters of a primary challenger to not support the party’s eventual candidate in large numbers, so it’s just common sense. @triggercut brought this up about Hillary supporters in '08, they broke for Obama mostly as well when push came to shove.

Still, if it helps out, here’s a poll from election time:

There were plenty of reasonably rational Bernie folks. A bunch of my friends liked him.

It’s the guys who couldn’t get over it once he lost the primary who are the idiots.

I was hoping for something solid after elections. We know polling was off before the elections. I suspect many of the Bernie supporters did go to the polls and many did vote for Hillary, but the 90%… I question that number.

It’s quite obvious to anyone who follows voters that it should be 90%+. Do you have any evidence that it is lower than that?

I’m not the one using stats without any backup data. The turnout for the Democrats was lower than in 2012. We know that. If you’re claiming 90% of the Bernie supporters actually voted for Clinton, you’re seeing data I haven’t seen. Where is it? The WA post article you posted was an estimate based on polling during an election where pre-election data was off. It wasn’t one thing, one factor but to say 90% that’s a big number to be throwing around based on pre-polling.

In counties where Trump won at least 70 percent of the vote, the number of votes cast rose 2.9 percent versus 2012. Trump’s pugnacious message evidently stirred people who hadn’t voted in the past. By comparison, in counties where Clinton won at least 70 percent, the vote count was 1.7 percent lower this year.

This is just an opinion piece and it talks about voter turn-out.

There’s plenty of other data that suggest Democrats stayed home at percentages large enough to matter in addition to the white working class turning to Trump in some areas.

Ok then. I’m sure that Bernie supporters were a completely unique breed of voters who bucked the trends of prior election years to the point that they cost Hillary Clinton the election. Sure. You don’t need to back that up. That’s just OBVIOUS.

I will note here that this is the sort of BS that’s driving me away from the Democratic party. Like seriously, I might just be a third party voter for life. I’m so tired of hearing shit about Bernie bros. So tired of hearing that I’m sexist because of how I voted in the primary. How people like me cost the election. In all seriousness, it’s pretty much put me off voting for Dems. I’ve voted nearly straight D my entire life, but now I’m persona no grata.

The problem is Bernie supporters got played by Russian disinformation about as much as the Right was. The myths that Bernie was cheated, that the DNC had conducted unfair primaries and debates, created a pretty obvious amount of bitterness among his supporters. I doubt last year was your typical election cycle. Millennials certainly voted for 3rd party options more than they did in 2012. Between that, Comey’s memo, and GOP voter suppression tactics, the pollsters had a tough time calling Nov 8th accurately.

You’re making up your bullshit because I didn’t say anything you just said. Feel free to be mad at phantoms though.

And Hilary’s idiots, of which she had more than a few. Only one of the three politicians had a significant proportion of idiots, though, and it wasn’t the two Democrat ones.

I am still not over Sanders losing the primary, but fortunately I am still capable of rational thought.

Idiots are idiots, people. Every politician has at least some of them, there’s nothing special about berniebros and they aren’t responsible for everything that’s wrong in your lives.
