Stupid shit you see on Facebook

Except this isn’t some dumb meme. It’s also a dumb book.

That cover is amazing.
I love that sheriff arpaio wrote the forward. I didn’t know that guy could read.

There are no bald eagles or American flags - 4 out of 10.

The Shadow Wolves are actually a thing in Russia. They are a motorcycle gang, lead by an ex-dentist that are pro-Putin. They got Putin’s attention and now they are supported by his government. They train like a militia. There is talk that they were deployed to the Ukraine.

no American flag or mention of a veteran. Wasn’t segal a veteran?

But Steven Segal is bald.

Point taken…and earned! 5 out of 10.

This made me cough up a mirthless chortle. No clue if it’s sincere or not

Oh good lord.

Wow! (But surely you can tell that’s not sincere!)

Hope it’s not sincere. This whole year has really exceeded expectations in the “oh wow gosh shit I didn’t think I would ever see that” department.

It’s authentic. Pixelated Boat confirms.

What is that article proving? It’s so made up it makes my teeth hurt to think that anyone could believe it.

Oh, I see… it’s a recurring format. Well, sure. A simple anti-liberal/intellectual revenge tale with a righteous military protagonist. But all the examples are just loaded with absurdities.

It’s all stupid shit and we should delete our accounts.

But… then how would my spam folder fill up with messages from my HS friend Alan about going to this great deli, over and over and over?

I got a weird question from Facebook the other day when I tried to create an event. It was a multiple choice question, something like, “Which of these statements do you agree with the most?” The choices were along the lines of “Facebook has had a positive impact on the world,” “Facebook has had no impact on the world,” and “Facebook has had a negative impact on the world.” I clicked away before I could answer or really ponder the question.

I don’t do Facebook, but my wife does, and I think you could argue all three of those points.

Like all technology and forms of communication it depends on how you use it. For me personally FB has been a positive. For the US as a whole one could argue it’s been negative.