Stupid shit you see on Facebook

Oh boy. Welcome to Mallard Fillmore, which is like if you hated yourself but were serving a thousand year geas making hacky right-wing political cartoons and wished you could die but don’t have the courage to end it.

It is this tragic reality the funny papers give us a glimpse into each and every week.

God damnit


Well, I guess that’s checkmate, guys.

The Swiss are too busy being boring to shoot anyone.Also, Alps.

Also, you know, it’s not true. Switzerland isn’t even lowest in Europe.

The obvious experiment is to require gun ownership in Honduras and ban it in Switzerland.

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In, um, 1981 I was on a bus gong through Switzerland in the summer, and apparently it was the time they called out the militias to do training or whatever, because every hillside and roadway was filled with Swiss in uniforms deploying weapons, marching, tooling around in AFVs and trucks, and generally being quite martial. It was rather weirdly interesting.

Most of the food was bland, though, even if the chocolate was great.

The best meal i ever had was at this restraunt on Lake Lugano, on a patio above the dock, at sunset in July. The bruchetta was to die for, the prosciutto e melone was superb, and the lemon chicken succulent.

I mean look at this

Ristorante Roccabella, the balcony viewable from this picture.

I don’t know that it’ll ever be topped.

Why does Mallard Fillmore dress like an old white guy in the 1950’s?

Oh wait…nevermind…

Seriously though, who publishes this crap? Please tell me that’s not in papers anywhere.

Is that you Raymond Reddington? ;-)

Sorry. King Features Syndicate has it in many newspapers. It used to be in the NY Post, not sure if it still is.

Aha! It’s an Italian restaurant I bet! In Germany, I ate at Italian places all the time, because it was always better than the German food.

Of course, as Italian is one of Switzerland’s languages, and parts of Switzerland have close cultural ties to Italy, I guess it is still a Swiss restaurant. My bad was going to a Swiss German place I guess!

Yes, lake Lugano is on the border, firmly in Italian Swiss area. In fact the boat ride had us cross borders multiple times.

So basically Alpine Italy, but not. Lake Como is, literally, just on the other side of that ridge.


I’m probably the most conservative member of this forum if you don’t count the ones more conservative than I am. My credentials include voting for Mike Rowe and Brian Schweitzer.

And now my FB is blowing up with people posting about crisis actors. It’s like my friends are going wild and stupid concomitantly. One of them is a no-kidding medical doctor who’s my age. WHAT!?! Gah! What is happening?

What is this? The idea that something was a false flag event with actors? I read people who asserted Sandy Hook was faked and the people were actors.

This sort of stuff. I don’t even know what to say. Guess education doesn’t necessarily equal wisdom.