Stupid shit you see on Facebook

I’m deleting my Facebook account on April 16th, Patriots Day. I’m trying to get other people to do it too by posting Facebooks bad behavior until then.

Join me friends. Delete your Facebook account on Patriots Day.

That article is very misleading.

I work in Ad Tech (not FB) and what’s happening isn’t that FB overcharged Hillary, it’s that because the Trump ads were better at generating clicks, FB’s system took that to mean that users preferred Trump ads and effectively gave them a bump in ad placement when controlling for the cost per impression for each premium location.

The end result was that users were bombarded with Trump over Hillary ads but this was more of a function of one side being savvier to how FB’s algo works and optimizing for it …and FB themselves for having an algo that that could be arbitraged like this.

I understand the distinction, and how real time bidding ad networks work.

But, if your system promotes racist ads, whether because the drive engagement or because you think racism is great, either way your system is rotten.

The challenge is that detecting politial and racist ads is a very hard machine learning problem. No system in the world has a 100% right now.

Most systems right now rely on self-declaration, image scanning, and specific keywords matching (like the N-word or KKK) to detect these ads but these can only capture ~90% of the ads out there.

It’s hard to capture context, and how the interplay or image and text can alter the ads meaning to be offensive in an automated manner.

Well, they could do what most media companies do, and actually take all that cash and actually hire people.

But that would hurt there bottom line, so fuck democracy, am I right?

They do - just not enough. I think they have a few thousand people who do exactly that, and one of the things FB has expanded after the election was announcing a plan to massively expand human reviewing.

Thank you for the clarification - I did not know that. Still, it doesn’t change my opinion that FB is a force for evil ;) It’s a platform for state-level actors to transmit unfiltered and effective propaganda directly to the gullible.

It’s not even distant. People about 30 and under, social media is almost the only communication they use. Engagements, wedding announcements, they don’t call or even text anymore.

This is and has been so true. The wife can call her son or daughter and nothing happens. Text, nothing. She has to yell at them over Facebook. Ridiculous.

The problem isn’t Facebook. The problem is easily-influenced mushheads with no critical reasoning skills.

Yeah. I’m not a huge fan of this trend either. But since this is the world we live in, and I do not believe a world where twenty year olds and teens only hear and see information from other twenty year olds and teens or the advertisers who want their dollars is a good idea, I actively participate on social media.

Now I still limit what I share on say Facebook because I consider anything I every post there to be public, despite my restrictions, but I don’t begrudgingly participate so much as work within my limits, acknowledge others have looser limits, and try to avoid making it some sort of weird livejournal, all while keeping in contact with people near and far.

There was a piece that I heard to on “On the Media” which about teen engagement, the black lives matter to, and Never Again, and one of the commentators talked about how growing up with fake news made them much better at critical think then older adults.

After all, it’s older people that are taken in by the Rush Limbaughs, Fox News and televangelists. When you talk about bad influence of the media, you see it have the biggest impact on the baby boomers, and less on Millennials.

As to replying to phone calls, well, teens and young adults have always tried to ignore the old people of the world.

Not really. When I was a kid, you didn’t have a cell phone. Parents would send you out in the morning,and you’d better be back before the designated time. You would literally not hear from your parents all day. This ability for teens to ignore their parents all day long is because parents can now be in constant contact with them which is kind of new.

Heck even as a twenty something, we had landlines, which meant maybe one phone call, not like twenty messages and texts asking you something that makes no sense and actually expecting a reply in…minutes. Actually, when I was in my twenties, my parents got a busy signal… all the time, because my internet was still on a modem until maybe mid-twenties.

Until they need cash. Happens all the damn time. They are considered adults. Right? No contact until money is needed. Then BAM. Many phone calls. Then crying over the phone. Maybe just me , eh?

Found on Facebook this morning!


This may well be true to an extent. The problem I face, with college students, is that often they won’t believe anything. While in some ways an improvement over the exact opposite, the shift from skepticism to cynicism is tough because it can lead to a sort of relativism that accords equal weight to a neo-Nazi view of the world as to any other view of the world. While that might work well in a philosophy class working at a high conceptual level, it is hard to handle when in the less rarefied air of just general learning.

But that’s just, like, your opinion dude!


This is, I think, one of the results of the current internet structure (including social media). It’s super flat, so all ideas and thoughts get equal weight. Stories about people who believe the world is flat get the same treatment as those that are science-based. Fake news has the same buoyancy as the real.

There’s no such thing as a front-page headline story on Facebook. And nobody can research everything they read, so instead it’s easier to just distrust everything equally. I worry about what this will mean for science and history in the coming decades, as long as there are forces that want us to get confused about both.

I just got banned from Facebook for 24 hours for posting this pic. I guess because it appears to attack a specific gender?

Outside the suicide for extreme religions, it is kind of weird we’re not seeing women and young girls really do this. I mean we watch violent movies, play video games, all the scapegoat claims the GOP likes to throw out to save the NRA.

It’s strange to me Facebook would ban that; i’ve seen a lot worse material directed and women and minorities recently… way worse. I have no idea how they are evaluating posts anymore.