Stupid shit you see on Facebook

I’d guess that people flagged it. Or complained. Or whatever they do on Facebook.

I have complained about posts in the past, the ones that basically say minorities should die. I’ve never seen them take down a post, not even once. It’s just an auto message telling me how to block someone. I mean these were posts that literally talk about killing real life people due to their race.

I posted it in a thread with like-minded liberals and it was flagged within a minute of posting. I think it was automatically flagged, I just don’t know why.

No idea why you were flagged, but the graphic makes a good point. Women suffer from mental illness, bullying, etc, too. But they almost never show up at their school or workplace with an arsenal.

I don’t know enough about what it’s like to be a bullied kid, mentally ill or female to form any kind of coherent theory explaining this.

Likely because it’s an image somebody else posted which got flagged. If the same content was your writing, I’d bet it never would have happened.

Society tells girls to be pretty, popular, and perfect. The push to empower girls has mainly been a positive one stressing success through making their own decisions, accepting themselves for who they are, and having grit. On the other hand boys get told to hold in feelings (so things build up), take decisive action, and so on.

I can agree that the part of the issue is violent boys/men but I fear that we are going to end up in a situation where girls are praised for being feminine while also being given support to see beyond it while boys are criticized for being masculine but not offered any support to see anything else in a positive light.

A month or two ago, I reported a page that was nothing but racism and click bait links and Facebook responded that it didn’t violated any of their Terms of Service.

Wouldn’t you think testosterone plays a significant role?

On campus, this is a significant thing. It’s one thing–and often justified–to point to males as a group as being part of a bigger problem, be it sexual violence, domestic abuse, violence in general, whatever–but it’s another thing to actually figure out a way to help young men change these patterns. The whole “alpha male vs. betacuck” crapfest from the alt-right is not helping.

Some of it is biology and some of it is cultural.

Men and women aren’t the same biologically and tend to react to different situations differently in general ways. Add in a culture that says men aren’t allowed to be sad and that if they don’t have sex or whatever they’re worthless and you’ll see men trend towards violence over say, depression, whether that is suicide or a school shooting or whatever.

I mean men commit roughly 90% of homicides at the end of the day.

The other ten percent are committed in the morning?


Same here, reported a page months ago that straight-up referred to anyone of color as “mud people” and got the same bullshit response from FB.

Well said.

Masculinity isn’t static though. It’s changed over human history and between cultures. The problem is, if it were really violent video games, and it was access to guns, we’d women doing it more often. Heck if you expand the mass shooting definition and look at other sources, men are still well over 90%, even closer to 94/95. There has to be a reason for that which is not the things everyone else has access to too.

Mainly been positive? Now we expect girls to be pretty, popular and perfect while being athletic, while being at the top of her class, holding a job, having children… but if she goes too far instead of confident she’s bitchy, instead of determined, she difficult. Sure doors have opened but the pile on of expectations is pretty… significant.

Yep that’s my experience which is why it makes no sense the above post was flagged when it’s sourced and it’s even really targeted.

I laugh whenever someone says Facebook is a liberal company… according to what exactly, their location?

I’d feel alone, too, if I and most of my close associates were under investigation by law enforcement.

Unless the men in America are somehow ultra special, men around the world have the same testosterone, and you will find in the USA history, most men had guns and did not shoot-up their local schools because they were unhappy.

‘Why these men’ is an interesting question. ‘Why is it mostly men’ isn’t interesting, as the answer is obvious and is also true for all other forms of violent crimes throughout all of human history. In other societies that feature much less crime than in the US, while you see males committing less violent crimes you still see the same gender ratio.

This isn’t sword or axes. A woman can kill pretty much as easily with a gun as a man can. That wasn’t the case throughout a lot of history. Heck even children are doing it. You could not say the same about a long sword.

And if it was testosterone alone, we’d see more men doing it. As horrible as these mass murders are, these men are still a minority of their sex even if their sex is the majority of the crime.